Can I search for patent applications?

Patents may be searched in the USPTO Patent Full-Text and Image Database (PatFT). The USPTO houses full text for patents issued from 1976 to the present and PDF images for all patents from 1790 to the present.

Where can I find information on the status of European patent applications patents?

The European Patent Register
Where can I find information on the status of European patent applications/patents? The European Patent Register contains all the publicly available information on European patent applications as they pass through the grant procedure, including oppositions, patent attorney/EPO correspondence and more.

How do you search on Espacenet?

Using keywords

  1. Open Espacenet.
  2. Enter your search string in the Smart search bar at the top of the screen.
  3. Select the magnifying glass icon to the right and in a few seconds you will see a result list.

What is an EP patent application?

A European patent is, in essence, a single patent application that simultaneously covers many European states during the examination process. After grant of the patent, it splits up into separate national patents in the states you choose.

Are patent applications public?

Patent applications are generally published 18 months after they are filed. At that point, they are available for the public to search and view even if no patent has yet been granted.

How do I do a patent search on a company?

Go to the USPTO’s online database.

  1. Choose the Issued Patents (as opposed to Published Applications) Quick Search.
  2. In the right pull-down field menu, select “Assignee Name” if searching for company name or “Inventor Name” if searching for Inventor name.

How do I do a worldwide patent search?

Use Espacenet patent search to check for published patent applications and registered patents….The database includes both worldwide UK patents and details about:

  1. owners.
  2. filed documents.
  3. countries where the patent applies.

How do I search for a patent by inventor?

Patents Issued AFTER 1976 Go to the USPTO’s online database. Choose the Issued Patents (as opposed to Published Applications) Quick Search. In the right pull-down field menu, select “Assignee Name” if searching for company name or “Inventor Name” if searching for Inventor name.

What does EP stand for in patents?


How do I know if a European patent is granted?

Legal status information (i.e. where and whether a patent is valid) for European and Euro-PCT applications is available via the EPO’s free online European Patent Register, where you can also access the publicly available parts of the application file, including the grant stage (and including any opposition/appeal …

Are provisional patent applications searchable?

It is important to note that this is not publication of the provisional patent application and the provisional patent application cannot be publicly searched – the only access is provided by Public PAIR or a direct request from the public to inspect the provisional at the U.S. Patent Office.