Can I reapply for food stamps online in Missouri?

You can apply for SNAP online or by printing and filling out a paper application: Apply Online.

How do I apply for food stamps in Missouri?

You can apply for food stamp benefits online or you can call 855-FSD-INFO (855-373-4636) and ask one of our team members for an application. Completed applications should then be sent to us by email at [email protected] or fax to 573-526-9400.

What is the monthly income limit for food stamps in Missouri?

State Of Missouri SNAP January, 2021

Household Number of Persons Limit CE Eligible Monthly Limit Maximum Gross
1 * 1396
2 * 1888
3 2190 2379
4 2780 2871

How do I recertify for food stamps in Missouri?

Around the end of your SNAP benefit period, you will get a recertification packet in the mail. You will need to complete this, return it to the Family Support Division, and complete an interview to continue getting SNAP benefits.

How do I apply for P EBT in Missouri 2021?

Missourians can apply for SNAP benefits 24/7 online by visiting, or sending completed applications and verification documents by email to [email protected], or by fax to 573-526-9400.

How do I contact Missouri DSS?

Child Support

  1. Order/Enforcement: 866-313-9960.
  2. Paternity Information: 855-454-8037.
  3. Payment Information: 800-225-0530.
  4. General Help: 800-859-7999.

What are the qualifications to receive food stamps in Missouri?

You have a current bank balance (savings and checking combined) under $3,251 and share your household with one of the following:

  • A person or persons age 60 and over or.
  • A person with a disability (a child, your spouse, a parent, or yourself).

What is the maximum income to qualify for food stamps 2020 in Missouri?

SNAP Max Income for Food Stamps Oct. 1, 2019, through Sept. 30, 2020

Household Size Gross Monthly Income Limits (130% of poverty) Max Food Assistance Benefit Monthly
1 $1,354 $194
2 $1,832 $355
3 $2,311 $509
4 $2,790 $646