Can I PORT my AT number?

You must request a Number Transfer PIN from AT to transfer your wireless number to another service provider.

How long does it take to PORT a number from ATT?

Number transfer timeframes When transferring your number from another wireless carrier: If you order your new phone or SIM card online or over the phone, your number transfer may take up to 3-5 business days to complete.

Can I transfer ATT prepaid number?

Yes, you can port your number to a different carrier, prepaid or not. You will need your prepaid account number and pin. You must call for your account number, it is not available online.

Can a phone company refuse to PORT your number?

Companies may charge you to port your number, but you can ask whether any fees can be waived or negotiated. Once you request service from a new company, your old company cannot refuse to port your number, even if you owe money for an outstanding balance or termination fee.

How can I get my PAC code from AT?

To reach out to the Port Activation Center (PAC), the number is 888-898-7685.

How do I get AT to release my number?

Go to the new carrier and give them all of your AT account information including any pin numbers on the account. They will handle the moving your number.

Why can’t I transfer my phone number ATT?

For a number to be eligible for transfer, AT must provide service in your area and your account must be in good standing. Canceled or suspended accounts are not eligible for transfer.

How do I release my AT phone number?

Go to your myAT Profile and then Contact info. Select the Phone tab. In the My AT wireless number section, select Add, Edit, or Remove.

What does AT need to port a number?

Have the following on hand when transferring your number:

  1. Your Social Security number or the name associated with your current cell plan.
  2. Your current account number and the PIN or password if applicable.
  3. If you’re bringing your own device, you’ll also need the AT SIM card we’ve sent you.

What is my AT pin?

Go to the myAT sign-in page. Select Forgot PIN / Password. Enter your wireless number and choose Request Online Password or Request 4-Digit PIN (you can select both).