Can I get my Intoxalock calibrated anywhere?

Intoxalock makes calibrations quick and easy and with over 3,100 installation locations nationwide, you’ll find a calibration location near your work or home to make the process even more convenient. For more information about an Intoxalock ignition interlock device, call our state specialists at (833) 623-0200.

How many times can you fail Intoxalock in Colorado?

How Many Times You Can Fail the Interlock Before Consequences. You can fail the interlock three times in 12 months before you face serious consequences.

What BAC will fail an Intoxalock?

Every IID user must provide a breath alcohol content sample, or BrAC, before they can start their car. The sample must be under their state’s BrAC limit, which varies depending on the state but is usually around . 02. Any sample over the limit results in a failed sample and a violation.

Does Intoxalock track your location?

Does intoxalock track location? Yes. Depending on the requirements of your state, you may need to install an ignition interlock device with GPS functionality. This information helps track your location with each sample provided to in the event you are restricted by your state to drive in only certain areas.

What if battery dies with Intoxalock?

When your car’s battery dies or is disconnected, your interlock device will record the event as a potential violation, since tampering with the car’s battery could occur when someone tries to bypass their interlock device.

What happens if you dont get your Intoxalock calibrated?

Calibrations are required by the state, not the interlock provider, so failure to comply may result in penalties from your state. If you do miss an appointment, reschedule as soon as possible to avoid becoming out of compliance and to keep your vehicle on the road.

Can I get my interlock removed early in Colorado?

The DMV will allow a driver to remove the interlock device from their vehicle early if they show full compliance with the device for four (4) consecutive months of no less than 120 full calendar days. Full compliance means no allegations of tampering, circumvention, or lockouts due to an excess BAC (≥0.025).

What is the BAC limit for interlock in Colorado?

How the interlock device works. The interlock device is wired into the ignition of your vehicle, so it is able to prevent you from starting the car if your BAC does not meet the programmed requirements of the device (Colorado has a BAC limit of 0.025).

How do you beat intoxalock?

Here are some popular myths:

  1. Have a friend blow into the IID. While this may initially start a car, most devices used today feature a camera, which records who is blowing into it.
  2. Mask the alcohol by eating food or mints.
  3. Use compressed air, such as air from a balloon.
  4. Consume caffeine.
  5. Temporarily remove the IID.

Does intoxalock camera record video?

We will never use the camera to record you. When you take your test on your Interlock Device, the camera will snap a quick photo, and then it is done. You’ll also get your photo taken during random retests that you’ll perform after you start the vehicle.

Does intoxalock camera have audio?

The answer to this very commonly asked question is an emphatic no. The camera on an interlock device is not capable of recording video; it is merely snapping a photo any time a person provides a breath sample.