Can I freeze Danish feta?

You can freeze feta cheese, both in block form and crumbled. In either case, feta can be frozen for at least 3 months. Make sure your feta is fresh, place it in an airtight container, then seal and freeze it.

How do you preserve Danish feta cheese?

salt in 1 cup water in an airtight container, then submerge the cheese in the water. The feta must be completely covered, so make more brine if you don’t have enough. Seal the container and refrigerate it. The feta will keep up to 3 weeks.

How long does Danish feta from the deli last?

When it comes to unopened blocks of feta, the shelf life of this variety is usually around two to three months. And since the saline solution the cheese is in does an excellent job of preserving it, that feta should easily last for 2 weeks up to a month past the date on the label.

How long does feta cheese last in freezer?

Properly stored, feta cheese crumbles will maintain best quality for about 6 months, but will remain safe beyond that time. The freezer time shown is for best quality only – feta cheese crumbles that has been kept constantly frozen at 0°F will keep safe indefinitely.

What can I do with too much feta cheese?

19 Delicious Ways to Use Feta Cheese

  1. On potatoes. Sprinkle feta on mashed potatoes or baked and scalloped potatoes.
  2. On pizza. Sprinkle it on top of pizza.
  3. In a sandwich. Drizzle the inside of a baguette with olive oil and vinegar.
  4. Use it in stuffing.
  5. Use it with salads.
  6. With fruit.
  7. Make phyllo turnovers.
  8. With cooked vegetables.

How do you store blocks of feta cheese?

To store feta using a minimal amount of oil: Put the cheese in the corner of a small zipper-lock bag and pour in just enough oil to come up the sides. Place the bag in a cup and press down on the cheese to force the excess oil over the top. Stored this way, feta keeps for up to four weeks.

What is Danish feta?

A creamier and smoother variant of the original Greek Feta cheese, Danish Feta (also called Danish White) is made from cow’s milk. Though it isn’t authentic, the Danish type of feta wins hearts over with its mild flavour and ability to be cubed and sliced without crumbling.

How do you store a block of feta cheese?

How to Store. Feta should always be protected from exposure to air which will cause it to dry out and will cause the taste to sharpen or sour. Store in brine: Feta is often sold in blocks packed in a brine solution (heavily salted water). It can be kept refrigerated, covered with the brine, for quite a long time.

What happens if you eat expired feta cheese?

Can I get sick from eating spoiled feta cheese? If your feta cheese has been pasteurized, it is unlikely that you will get food poisoning from eating it past its prime. The flavor and texture may be bad and nauseate you.

Can you eat out of date feta cheese?

Signs That Feta Cheese Has Spoiled Feta cheese is likely to dry out in the refrigerator. Once it becomes dry, hard and gritty, it should not be consumed. While it may still be safe to eat at this point, the texture and taste will be quite unpleasant.

What is the best way to store feta cheese?

Can I freeze feta?

If you have some feta cheese getting old in the fridge, don’t throw it out! Learn how to freeze feta cheese. If the cheese is still fresh and free of any mold growth, place it in an airtight freezer container, seal and label the container, then freeze up to one month.