Can I directly take AWS Solution Architect exam?

You can now choose the exam that’s right for you based on your expertise and goals. We offer a total of 9 exams at the Foundational, Associate, and Professional level. In the past, we required you to pass an Associate or Foundational level exam before pursuing a Professional or Specialty certification.

Can I write my AWS exam from home?

For additional convenience and flexibility, you can now take all AWS Certification exams from the comfort of your home or any private space with online proctoring. All you need is a reliable internet connection, a webcam, and a quiet, private place to test.

Can I take AWS exam anytime?

Amazon now allows you to take your AWS Certification exams via online proctoring using its third-party test delivery provider: Pearson VUE. However, this option is not yet available with its other delivery provider (PSI). This means that you can now take all AWS Certification exams at home or office anytime!

Can I schedule AWS exam on same day?

Yes, you can immediately schedule your exam after creating your AWS certification account.

What is difference between SAA C01 and SAA C02?

The difference between SAA-C01 and SAA-C02 is that the SAA-C02 is the new AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification exam. Since the SAA-C01 exam was about to retire on March 22, 2020 (but extended until June 30, 2020), many candidates might have made up their minds to sit for SAA-C02.

What happens if you fail AWS exam?

If you fail an exam, you must wait 14 days before you are eligible to retake the exam. There is no limit on exam attempts. However, you must pay the full registration fee for each exam attempt. Once you have passed an exam, you will not be able to retake the same exam for two years.

Can we write AWS exam on Sunday?

Exam appointments are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We recommend scheduling your exam in advance so you’re more likely to find a time that’s convenient for you. Online proctoring is available for all AWS Certification exams from either of our test delivery providers, Pearson VUE or PSI.

Is SAA C01 still valid?

Candidates will still get a certification that is valid for three years by qualifying for the SAA-C01 exam. The release date for SAA-C02 was March 23, 2020. So, now the AWS SAA-C01 and SAA-C02 would be available concurrently for a short period of time between March 23, 2020, and June 30, 2020.

How hard is SAA-C02?

If you know the material, the tests are not difficult at all. It’s absorbing the material and playing around with the diiferent subjects that take time. The Whitepapers are important, but (to me) they are extremely boring.