Can I cook tortillas on a pizza stone?

Season with salt and pepper and top with 1 cup of the mozzarella. Drizzle lightly with olive oil. Slide the tortilla onto the hot pizza stone and bake for about 8 minutes, until the pizza is crisp on the bottom and the cheese is bubbling.

How do you make a tortilla pizza with a skillet?


  1. Heat flour tortilla on skillet until it puffs up: Heat a large cast iron skillet or griddle on medium high to high heat.
  2. Add toppings: Sprinkle the top of the tortilla with a thin layer of grated mozzarella cheese.
  3. Remove from heat and cover to melt cheese:
  4. Sprinkle with fresh sliced basil:

How do you make soft taco shell pizza?

Spread sauce evenly across the tortilla, leaving ½ inch around the edges. Sprinkle with cheese and toppings. Bake until the cheese is golden and bubbling (no sooner!) and the edges of the tortilla are lightly browned, about 10 to 14 minutes. Let the pizza cool for a few minutes before slicing.

Can you cook anything else on a pizza stone?

Place it on the heated stone and bake it like usual. You can also bake things like homemade soft pretzels, pita bread and naan bread on the stone.

What all can you cook on a pizza stone?

7 Things to Bake on Your Pizza Stone That Aren’t Pizza

  • Pita Bread. Pita bread is traditionally baked in a stone hearth that gets so hot it puffs the dough on contact.
  • Crackers.
  • Bread.
  • English Muffins.
  • Bake Potato Chips.
  • Quesadillas.
  • Cookies.

How do you make crispy tortillas?


  1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Set a wire rack over a rimmed baking sheet lined with foil for easy cleanup.
  2. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, add about ½ inch vegetable oil and heat to 350 degrees.
  3. Once the tortilla is holding its shape, turn until crisp and golden all over, 15 to 30 seconds longer.

What can I use tortilla wraps for?

Ten Cool Things to Do with Tortillas

  1. Breakfast Quesadilla. Place scrambled eggs, crumbled crisp bacon and shredded cheddar cheese on one tortilla.
  2. Mexican Cheese Crisp.
  3. Italian Pinwheels.
  4. Thai Chicken Tortilla Wraps.
  5. Sweet Chips and Salsa.
  6. Seasoned Flatbread.
  7. Barbecue Chicken Cheese Crisp.
  8. Peaches and Cream.

How do you make homemade tortilla pizza?

Make pizzas: on a sheet pan or pizza pan, arrange tortilla and spread with a thin layer of sauce. Then top with a generous amount of cheese. Bake: Place pan in oven and bake for 7-8 minutes until edges are browned and cheese is bubbling. Remove and sprinkle with fresh basil and other desired toppings.

Can you cook a tortilla pizza in the microwave?

Tips to make a Perfect Tortilla Pizza in the Microwave For crispy tortilla, microwave your tortilla on high for one minute without any toppings. As the tortilla begins to cool, it will crisp up, making it extra crispy after you finish melting your cheese on top. Add toppings!

Can you put olive oil on a pizza stone?

You can use any type of oil, but olive oil is going to be the crowd favorite. The goal of seasoning or oiling the pizza stone is to stop the pizza from sticking to the stone. (Because that’s a quick way to ruin your fresh, delicious, homemade ‘za.) A nonstick surface is also far easier to clean.