Can I bring a bike on Amtrak?

Bicycles may be checked on Amtrak between all cities where checked baggage is offered. Not all trains or locations are equipped to handle checked baggage. Find your station(s) to see if this service is available. Bicycles/bicycle trailers may be checked in a bicycle container for $10, in lieu of a piece of baggage.

How do I book my bike on Amtrak?

Make a reservation for your bike at the same time you’re booking the rest of your travel here at, via the Amtrak app, at a Quik-Trak kiosk, by calling 1-800-USA-RAIL or by visiting any Amtrak ticket office. You must have a travel document (eTicket) for your bike.

Does Amtrak charge for bikes?

How much does it cost to bring my bicycle? Most Amtrak routes charge a bicycle fee of $20 or less. If an “Add Bike to Trip” button displays in your availability search, click it to show the bike fee.

Is Adirondack running on Amtrak?

Both trains ceased operating in March of 2020 as a result of the CoVid-related closure of the international border. Amtrak resumed operation of the Maple Leaf between New York City and Niagara Falls in July, but the Adirondack service remains fully suspended.

Can I bring a bike on Greyhound?

Can You Use Your Bike Case On A Greyhound? Bicycle enthusiasts who travel frequently will often purchase a bike case, and Greyhound buses accept them like any other luggage, albeit with a $30 overweight baggage fee to go with it.

How often does the Adirondack train run?

The Adirondack operates as train 68 southbound, and as 69 northbound. The Adirondack service is financed by the New York State Department of Transportation….Adirondack (train)

Average journey time 11 hours
Service frequency Daily
Train number(s) 68 (southbound), 69 (northbound)
On-board services

How do I get to the Adirondacks by train?

For many, the most convenient way to get to the Adirondacks is Amtrak’s train service. Every day, one train leaves New York City, travels through the Adirondacks, and ends up in Montreal. Another train follows the opposite route daily.

Where do you put a bike on a train?

Fully folding bikes with wheels up to 85cm are allowed on all trains – no restrictions and no need to reserve a space. The only rule is that you must be able to carry the bike onto the train and fit it in the luggage rack.

How do you put your bike on a train?

Stand behind your bike, firmly hold the handlebars, and pull the bike up to a vertical position. (Photo taken before COVID pandemic.) Guide the front wheel onto the hook on the wall. You may have to lift the bike up a few inches above the hook to latch it on.

How much does it cost to take a bike on Greyhound?

Bicycle enthusiasts who travel frequently will often purchase a bike case, and Greyhound buses accept them like any other luggage, albeit with a $30 overweight baggage fee to go with it.