Can guava trees grow in pots?
Can guava trees grow in pots?
Select a container that is at least 18 to 24 inches (46-61 cm.) across and the same depth. Be sure the pot has adequate drainage holes. These tough plants are adaptable, making them the perfect fruit tree candidate for guava trees in containers.
How long will it take for a guava tree to bear fruit?
four to eight years
But be aware Guava grows very, very slowly when young before hitting a growth spurt. It can take four to eight years before a plant sprouted from seed will reach fruiting maturity—if it sets fruit at all.
Does guava tree need a lot of water?
They prefer full sun. Guavas have survived dry summers with no water, although they do best with regular deep watering. The ground should be allowed to dry to a depth of several inches before watering again. Lack of moisture will delay bloom and cause the fruit to drop.
Does guava tree need full sun?
In general, guava trees should be planted in full sun for best growth and fruit production. Select a part of the landscape away from other trees, buildings and structures, and power lines. Remember guava trees can grow to 20 ft (6.1 m) in height if not pruned to contain their size.
Which fertilizer is best for guava?
The use of a guava tree fertilizer with a 6-6-6-2 (nitrogen–phosphorus–potassium–magnesium) ratio is recommended. For each feeding, scatter the fertilizer evenly on the ground, starting a foot (30 cm.) from the trunk, then spreading out to the tree drip line.
What is the best fertilizer for guava tree?
Where is the best place to plant a guava tree?
full sun
Plant guava in full sun; in dessert regions plant guava in partial shade or protect plants from the midday sun. Plant guavas in compost-rich, well-drained soil. Guavas will grow where the soil pH ranges from 4.5 to 9.4; a neutral pH is of 6.0 to 7.0 is optimal.
How much space does guava tree need?
Spacing Guava. Consider the size of the tree at maturity when spacing guava in the garden. Most cultivars for home gardens can be planted 10 to 15 feet apart or less.
How do I make my guava tree bear fruit?
Guava trees do not produce fruit for several years, and may take up to four years to bear fruit.
- Spray your guava tree just before flowering in the spring.
- Apply a fertilizer high in potash or potassium to increase fruit production and health.
- Allow the tree to dry out for two to three weeks.