Can Gotenks beat Frieza?
Can Gotenks beat Frieza?
If we’re using Super logic, Base Goten beats final form Frieza, but SSJ Kid Trunks struggles against his first form. SSJ3 Gotenks might be beaten by second form Frieza, but SSJ2 Gotenks would easily defeat Frieza’s third form.
Is SSJ3 Gotenks stronger than Goku SSJ3?
Assuming the two are equals based off that statement, Gotenks would be 8x stronger than SSJ3 Goku at Super Saiyan 3. So as far as raw power level goes, Gotenks is obviously superior. This is actually proven in the anime/manga, when Gotenks faces off against Super Buu.
Why didn’t Gotenks go SSJ3 against Beerus?
Because they realized it would make ssj3 more useless than it already is. Arrogance. he didn’t know what he was getting into because he couldn’t sense how powerful Beerus was and thought SSJ would be enough.
Was Gotenks stronger than Super Saiyan 3?
Re: Was Gotenks Really Stronger Than Super Buu? Gotenks is certainly stronger than Super Boo, but only by the virtue of when he was a SSJ3. SSJ3 Gotenks was outright kicking Super Boo’s ass for 90% of their battle, and Super Boo was certainly not holding back in his regard, he was going for the kill too.
Can Goten destroy a planet?
It’s all dependent on the strength of the base form. That being said, the boys are miles ahead of Namek-era Freeza, with official sources putting them as being equal to Buu arc Gohan in terms of power (in respective forms). They are more than capable of destroying a planet if they wanted.
Is Kid Trunks stronger than Goten?
Trunks. Trunks is one year older than Goten and is only slightly more powerful than him. But, it is shown that Trunks retains a power level greater than that of Goten for a while. He has to power down to Goten’s level in order to perform the fusion dance to create Gotenks.
Can half saiyans go SSJ3?
Yes. half-saiyans CAN transform into ssj3 and ssj4.
Who is stronger Mystic Gohan or SSJ3 Goku?
The Mystic state is basically the transformed strength into the base form which will in turn be always better or equal to the next transformed state. In Gohan’s case, it is stronger than SSJ3 but not as strong against Buu that absorbed so many characters.
Did Goku hold back against Beerus?
In the movie Battle of Gods, their rematch showed Goku keeping up with Beerus much better than he did when he was a Super Saiyan 3, but after Goku revealed that he’d only been fighting with about 80% of his power, Beerus turned things up several notches.
Did Goku hold back against Gohan?
Goku was holding back until he went ssb kaioken and 1-shotted gohan. Ultimate Gohan is strong, but is not on par with SSB Goku. Gohan is insanely strong and upon reawakening ultimate gohan form he gained a power that is at or above SSB Goku. Goku was forced to used Kaioken to end the fight.
Can SSJ3 Gotenks beat Buu?
Is SSJ3 stronger than Super Buu?
Super Saiyan 3 Goku was slightly stronger than Kid Buu. He even mentions to Vegeta that he COULD have defeated Kid Buu had he gone all out, but he held back to give Vegeta a chance to fight him. But he overestimated his living body’s capability to sustain Super Saiyan 3, which was why things went so bad.