Can gas leaks affect pregnancy?

Harm to unborn babies Long-term exposure to carbon monoxide gas can also damage an unborn baby. Babies exposed to carbon monoxide during pregnancy are at risk of: a low birth weight. perinatal death (stillbirth) and death that occurs within the first 4 weeks of birth)

Can a gas leak in your house cause headaches?

Sickness & Fatigue Exposure to a gas leak in your house or apartment may cause deadly symptoms including sickness, weakness, nausea, suffocation, and headaches. If you feel sick or abnormal, immediately call an ambulance to confirm if you have been exposed to gas poisoning.

Can a slow gas leak cause headaches?

If sewer gas is present in your home, the first sign you may notice is the smell of rotten eggs. You may also experience various symptoms of exposure, such as: fatigue. headaches.

Can the smell of gas hurt my baby?

When inhaled by pregnant women, CO can threaten fetal growth and mental development of the child. Volatile organic compounds—VOCs include substances that easily evaporate, hence the term volatile. The distinctive odor you notice when you pump gasoline is an example.

How does carbon monoxide affect an unborn baby?

During pregnancy, exposure to high levels of carbon monoxide can reduce the amount of oxygen reaching the baby in the womb, potentially affecting its growth and development. Carbon monoxide poisoning can lead to suffocation and death of the mother and baby.

How long should I let my house air out after gas leak?

After you’ve had a leak, authorities typically recommend that you open up your doors and windows and let the home air out. Typically, you’ll need to allow your home to air out for fifteen minutes to a few hours, but the exact timeframe depends on the severity of the leak and wind conditions in your area.

What are signs of a gas leak in your home?

How to Tell if You Have a Gas Leak in Your Home


Can my Iphone detect carbon monoxide?

To put it simply, Apple’s poisonous gas sensor will be able to detect a host of gases which includes the likes of harmful gases such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and VOCs among others.

What does mild carbon monoxide feel like?

Most people with a mild exposure to carbon monoxide experience headaches, fatigue, and nausea. Unfortunately, the symptoms are easily overlooked because they are often flu-like. Medium exposure can cause you to experience a throbbing headache, drowsiness, disorientation, and an accelerated heart rate.

What happens if you inhale gas while pregnant?

There are reports of carbon monoxide poisoning in people who were pregnant and preterm delivery (birth before week 37), problems with the fetal brain, or fetal death. This is thought to be from large amounts of carbon monoxide in the baby’s blood that causes the baby to receive less oxygen.

What is a high carbon monoxide level in pregnancy?

4+ PPM suggests you have had recent exposure to Carbon Monoxide and this is of concern. If you or anyone in your home smokes, this is the most likely explanation for the high reading. Reducing your exposure to cigarette smoke is the most important thing you can do for you and your baby’s health.