Can follicular adenoma become malignant?

Complications occurring in a follicular neoplasm should not be identified as a cause for malignant transformation. A proven benign follicular tumor rarely, if not ever, transforms into a malignant lesion.

Does thyroid cancer metastasize liver?

Liver metastasis from differentiated thyroid cancer are quite rare, with a reported frequency of 0.5% [3], [13]. Even more unusual are isolated resectable liver metastases from papillary thyroid cancer.

What is the treatment for follicular neoplasm?

The preferred treatment for follicular neoplasms is lobectomy followed by completion total thyroidectomy for histologically proven carcinomas larger than 1.0 cm. Total thyroidectomy allows use of thyroglobulin and radioiodine scanning to detect and treat metastatic disease.

Is follicular neoplasm a cancer?

The diagnosis “follicular neoplasm” is indeterminate, and the majority of cases (70% in the current study) are benign. However, clinical features, including gender, nodule size, and age, can be a part of the decision analysis in selecting patients for surgery.

What is the difference between follicular adenoma and carcinoma?

Follicular carcinoma has microscopic features that are similar to a follicular adenoma. However, a follicular carcinoma tends to be more cellular with a thick irregular capsule, and often with areas of necrosis and more frequent mitoses.

Is follicular neoplasm curable?

Distant spread (to lungs or bones) is uncommon, but it is more common than with papillary cancer. Overall cure rate is high (near 95% for small lesions in young patients), but this decreases with age.

What is anaplastic thyroid cancer?

Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma, also known as undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma, is a rare, highly aggressive malignant tumor accounting for 2 to 3 percent of all thyroid gland neoplasms. Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma continues to be one of the most deadly diseases worldwide and carries a very poor prognosis.

Should a follicular neoplasm be removed?

The issue is all of the follicular thyroid cancer must be effectively removed at the initial surgery. The problem is that both the patient and the surgeon may not know that the thyroid mass is a follicular thyroid cancer until after the surgery is completed.

Is follicular cancer curable?

Although follicular lymphoma usually can’t be cured, you can live long and well with it. This cancer grows slowly. You may not need treatment for many years, or ever. But if you do, it usually works well.

Are follicular adenomas hot or cold?

Follicular adenomata can be described as “cold”, “warm” or “hot” depending on their level of function.