Can flowerhorn live with silver dollar?

Silver Dollars Dither fish for large, mean species like Flowerhorns can be a challenge. However Silver Dollars are some of the best dither fish around.

Will silver dollars eat small fish?

Silver dollars will eat tiny fish and invertebrates that they come across, but they don’t actively hunt these critters down. Since they have evolved to eat a mostly plant-based diet, their need for protein is much less than their carnivorous and omnivorous cousins.

What fish can silver dollars live with?

Kuhli loaches and cory catfish also make good silver dollar fish tank mates. There are a number of cichlids that also make great tank mates. The Oscar fish, red empress, and blue dolphin are all strong cichlid pairings.

Can flowerhorn mix with goldfish?

Fish to Avoid Keeping with Flowerhorns Even some of the peaceful larger fish can get in danger with them such as goldfish, discus and angelfish. They also don’t hesitate to eat any invertebrates they can find in the tank.

What fish can I mix with flowerhorn?

Here are some flowerhorn cichlid tank mates that tend to work well:

  • Oscar Fish.
  • Plecos (the Sailfin/Leopard is great)
  • Bichir (the bigger the better)
  • Big Cichlids.
  • Silver Arowana.
  • Bristlenose plecos.
  • Spotted hoplo catfish.

Can I put Oscar with flowerhorn?

Yes, Flowerhorn fish can live with Oscar fish but there are some suggestions and advice to get the Flowerhorn fish with Oscar fish in the same tank. Once the Oscar has settled in any new tank completely you can think of shifting the Flowerhorn in the same.

Is silver dollar fish aggressive?

The silver dollar is listed as semi-aggressive but some silver dollars can be very mellow. These fish can be kept in community tanks with fish that can’t fit in their mouths, and once fully grown, they can be kept with larger fish like oscars, pikes, and larger catfish.

How fast do silver dollars grow?

With a proper diet, the Silver dollar fish grow very quickly. They reach their full size at 8 months; at this age, they are mature and ready for breeding.

What fish can I put with a flowerhorn?

Can we keep 2 flowerhorns together?

Yes. These fishes can live together. It can live with a mate, and also with other Flowerhorn fishes, and even with some other types of fishes.

How fast do flowerhorns grow?

The Red Mommon and Red Ingot grow faster in the first year, with a size of about 20 cm. They grow to 25–28 cm by two years later. Their maximum size is not yet known, and it is believed that the fish may grow to 30 cm or above in the future.