Can diastasis recti cause umbilical hernia?

Diastasis recti are very frequent during pregnancy. It may persist in the postpartum period. Patients with rectus diastasis may develop umbilical hernia recurrence after repair. This risk is especially high following suture repairs.

Can untreated diastasis recti cause problems?

If left untreated or in severe cases of diastasis recti, complications can include: Umbilical hernia. Increase in back pain. Pain during sex.

Is diastasis recti life threatening?

Diastasis recti is a non-life-threatening condition affecting the pair of long, flat muscles, known as the rectus abdominis, that run vertically down each side of the abdomen. These muscles are referred to as “six-pack muscles” and help stabilize the body’s trunk and hold in the abdomen’s internal organs.

Can diastasis recti cause intestinal problems?

Diastasis recti is not just a cosmetic issue. The abdominal muscles, which normally work together, can weaken significantly once they are stretched apart, leading to problems such as lower back pain, stress incontinence, digestive disorders, and hernia.

What problems can diastasis recti cause?

Diastasis recti can lead to side effects like lower back pain, constipation and urine leaking. It can also cause difficulty with both breathing and movement. In some rare cases, tissue may tear and form a hernia, where organs poke out of the opening.

Can diastasis recti cause belly button pain?

Can diastasis recti cause pain? Yes, it can. Separated abdominal muscles themselves are not always painful, but the effects can cause diastasis recti pain.

Can diastasis recti cause belly pain?

Can diastasis recti cause pain? Yes, it can. Separated abdominal muscles themselves are not always painful, but the effects can cause diastasis recti pain. Symptoms of DRA typically develop gradually over the course of a woman’s pregnancy and may linger following labor and delivery.

Can diastasis recti cause stomach issues?

Can diastasis recti cause other problems?