Can defaulter attend AGM?

Can defaulters attend the AGM? A: Yes. Non payment of dues does not disqualify them from attending the AGM as part of their Owner member rights.

What is bylaws of housing society?

What are bye-laws for housing society? Society Bye-laws are rules formed by housing societies to self-regulate their activities and to control the actions of its members. Housing society bye laws are provided and approved by higher authorities (government bodies, legislative authorities).

What are bylaws of a society?

Bye-laws are the guidelines, which have provisions relating to the affairs of the society and its functioning. Bye-laws are required to ensure proper maintenance and resolve the residents’ issues in a timely and effective manner.

What are the rights of associate member in housing society?

Occupy the flats after consent of Original Member but will not have right, title and interest in the property. Has the right to part of any events , celebrations etc. organized by society and also have equal rights to all the common spaces, parking slots, gym etc. Has right to approach authorities for legal matter.

What happens if society member is not paying maintenance?

If a flat-owner fails to pay his maintenance on time, the society can initiate legal proceedings to recover the bill amounts. If a flat-owner fails to pay his maintenance for three months, he will be labelled a ‘defaulter’ under the Maharashtra Cooperative Housing Societies Act, 1960.

Are housing societies under RTI?

RTI Act is not applicable to Housing / Commercial Cooperative Societies.

Can society bylaws be changed?

Power of Registrar to Direct Amendment of Bye-Laws Society shall call a Special General meeting (SGM) for the purpose of such amendments and if the amendments are approved, it shall be forwarded to Registrar. Registrar on receipt of amendment, will register the same and issue to the society a certified copy thereof.

What are the bylaws of a cooperative?

In general, cooperatives can develop their bylaws as they wish, if the legislation applying to them allows it. Often bylaws are written according to guidelines provided to cooperatives. Optional sections in the bylaws are often included to meet the requirements of the cooperative’s individual purpose.

Is associate member an owner?

A joint owner in a housing society is called an Associate Member. Sec. 2 (19) (b) defines “Associate Member” as a member who holds jointly a share of the Society with other, but whose name does not stand first in the share certificate.

What is difference between associate member and joint member?

Prior to amendment a person having interest in the property/ flat was also called Associate Member if his name was not first in the share certificate. After amendment, a person having interest in the flat is called Joint Member, whose name is not first in the share certificate.

Can society stop services of defaulters?

Once the registrar’s office issues a certificate, a recovery officer can take action, which can even extend to the attachment or auction of your property. “There was no provision of action against defaulters in housing societies under article 101 of the Maharashtra State Co-operative Societies Act.