Can cats get perineal hernia?

A perineal hernia is a condition seen in dogs and cats in which the pelvic diaphragm becomes weakened. This results in displacement of pelvic and abdominal organs (rectum, prostate, bladder, or fat) into the region surrounding the anus. The cause of this condition is not completely understood.

What are the symptoms of a perineal hernia?

The most common symptoms of a perineal hernia are swelling beside the rectum, constipation, and straining to defecate. Other symptoms are painful defecation, fecal incontinence, altered tail carriage, and straining to urinate.

Can a cat survive with a hernia?

Hernias are not commonly seen in cats, but they can happen. Fortunately, cats who are diagnosed with hernias can recover fully especially when the condition is caught and treated early.

How serious is a perineal hernia?

Organ entrapment into the perineal hernia may be life threatening and necessitate emergency stabilization prior to definitive surgical intervention.

How much does it cost to fix a cat hernia?

Cat hernia surgery costs can range anywhere from $250 – $1100.

Can spaying a cat cause a hernia?

Many times after female cats are spayed, pet parents notice swelling around the bellybutton area and mistake this swelling for a hernia. However, swelling after spay surgery is rarely due to a hernia.

How much does a perineal hernia cost?

The veterinary cost of perineal hernia can vary by veterinarian, geographic location and level of treatment chosen. It’s not unusual for this entire treatment to cost $5,000 or more.

Is a perineal hernia painful?

A perineal hernia may or may not cause a visible bulging or swelling under the skin. If there is a bulge it may be quite large. Sitting can be uncomfortable or difficult. Pain in the rectum, fever, swelling on one side of the buttock, difficulty urinating, and general malaise are other symptoms of perineal hernia.

What will happen if hernia is left untreated?

If it is left untreated, a strangulated hernia can lead to life-threatening conditions such as necrotizing enterocolitis (severe inflammation of intestine) and sepsis. Since hernias can happen to anyone at any age, knowing warning signs of hernias and being aware of them are essential.

What does a hernia feel like on a cat?

The hernia generally appears as a soft swelling beneath the skin and it often protrudes when the cat is standing, meowing, crying, or straining. “Some hernias are reducible, meaning that the protrusion can be pushed back into the abdomen.”