Can alpha thalassemia be cured?
Can alpha thalassemia be cured?
This condition causes mild to severe anemia, based on the type of alpha thalassemia that is inherited. People who have this condition can pass the disease on to their children. There is no cure. Treatment can reduce symptoms.
How do you get rid of alpha thalassemia?
A stem cell transplant is the only treatment that can cure alpha thalassemia, but the procedure has some risks. Only a small percentage of people with severe alpha thalassemia are able to be matched well with a donor.
Can alpha thalassemia be seen on electrophoresis?
Hemoglobin electrophoresis will confirm the diagnosis of thalassemia and differentiate among clinically significant alpha thalassemia (HbH disease), beta thalassemia and combined hemoglobinopathies.
Is it possible to cure thalassemia?
Stem cell or bone marrow transplants are the only cure for thalassaemia, but they’re not done very often because of the significant risks involved. Stem cells are produced in bone marrow, the spongy tissue found in the centre of some bones, and have the ability to develop into different types of blood cells.
What should I eat if I have alpha thalassemia?
Nutrition is very important for many, especially those with thalassemia. Individuals are encouraged to eat a balanced diet consisting of protein, grains, fruits, and vegetables and may need to pay extra attention to ensure not getting high amounts of iron through their diet.
How long do people with alpha thalassemia live?
Without close monitoring and regular treatment, the most severe types can cause serious organ damage and be life threatening. In the past, severe thalassaemia was often fatal by early adulthood. But with current treatments, people are likely to live into their 50s, 60s and beyond.
What is normal hemoglobin electrophoresis?
Normal Results In adults, these are normal percentages of different hemoglobin molecules: HbA: 95% to 98% (0.95 to 0.98) HbA2: 2% to 3% (0.02 to 0.03)
What does hemoglobin electrophoresis show?
Hemoglobin electrophoresis measures hemoglobin levels and looks for abnormal types of hemoglobin. It’s most often used to help diagnose anemia, sickle cell disease, and other hemoglobin disorders.
Can thalassemia be cured naturally?
The thalassemia syndromes are inherited disorders and the children suffering from this live poor quality of life which is not healthy and has shorter life span. Various interventions like herbals and hematopoietic stem cells have been tried in its remedy but none seems to provide the cure for it.
How can I improve my thalassemia?
- Frequent blood transfusions. More severe forms of thalassemia often require frequent blood transfusions, possibly every few weeks.
- Chelation therapy. This is treatment to remove excess iron from your blood.
- Stem cell transplant.