Can Adblock Plus be trusted?

This really comes down to an issue of trust. It is true that today, the AdBlock extension is safe. We know that it will not steal your data, even though—as the other answers point out—it has the technical ability to do so. However, Chrome extensions are silently and automatically updated.

Is Adblock Plus better than AdBlock?

In our tests, Adblock was slower in both Chrome and Firefox. The more tabs you have open, the slower they run and enabling and disabling Adblock while testing multiple tabs shows a slight but noticeable slowdown in browser speed. Adblock Plus copes better with multiple tabs and works very well in Firefox.

What is the best free ad blocker for Internet Explorer?

Adblock Plus is a simple tool that’s designed to block ads on the web—in other words, hide them from view. It’s available for all popular web browsers, including Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Firefox (the Safari version is still in beta testing). There’s even a mobile version for Android.

Is Adblock Plus a good extension?

AdBlock Plus (ABP) is among the most popular ad blockers, with extensions available for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge and Opera. ABP features a quick setup, loading preset filter lists that allow users to quickly block most ads, as well as the option to filter malware and social media buttons.

Is there a downside to AdBlock?

Ad Blocker causes web pages to break Ad blockers do not just block ads on a web page, but might also hamper its page scripts. This will corrupt some of its important components, affect its functionality and cause a bad browsing experience for you.

Does Adblock Plus steal data?

Does Adblock Plus collect any personal data? Yes.

How do I block ads on Internet Explorer 11?

Open Internet Explorer, select the Tools button , and then select Internet options. On the Privacy tab, under Pop-up Blocker, select or clear the Turn on Pop-up Blocker check box, and then select OK.

Does AdBlock Plus sell your data?

AdBlock never has and never will sell your personal information to any third party without your consent. We sometimes share anonymized and aggregated information that cannot be associated with an individual with third parties or the public.

What happened to AdBlock Plus?

In a rather surprising move, Google removed Adblock Plus and other ad blocking apps from the Google Play store due to “interference with another service or product in an unauthorized manner.” This looks like a course change at Google, until recently the main distinction between Android and iPhone was that Android …