Can a player touch the antenna in volleyball?
Can a player touch the antenna in volleyball?
Players may touch the post, ropes, or any other object outside the antenna, including the net itself, provided that it does not interfere with play. Contact with the net outside the antenna is legal. It’s even legal to contact the top tape outside the antenna. It’s only illegal if the contact interferes with play.
What is the use of antenna in volleyball?
The Volleyball Net Antenna gives volleyball players and referees a visual aid to judge whether or not a ball is in play or out of bounds as it travels over the net. The Volleyball Net Antenna features positive-traction molded clamps that fasten firmly to the top and bottom cables.
Where must the antenna be placed in volleyball?
The antennas shall be fastened securely to the top and bottom of the net. If vertical tape markers are used, they are fastened to each end of the net. The marker is located directly over and perpendicular to the sideline. The antennas should be affixed to the outer edge of the marker.
When can the ball hit the antenna in volleyball?
A ball is out if it hits the antenna or if it crosses the net outside of the antenna. If during a volley, the ball hits the gym divider, ductwork, or ceiling/rafters, and comes back to the team that hit it, they may continue to play it, as long as they are still within their 3 hit maximum.
What is volleyball antenna violation?
A ball is out if it hits an antennae, the floor completely outside the court, any of the net or cables outside the antennae, the referee stand or pole, or the ceiling above a non-playable area. It is legal to contact the ball with any part of a player’s body. It is illegal to catch, hold or throw the ball.
Is touching the antenna a net fault?
– catching/holding on to the net. Players close to the ball as it is played, or who are trying to play it, are considered in the action of playing the ball, even if no contact is made with the ball. However, touching the net outside the antenna is not to be considered a fault (except for Rule 9.1.
What is the purpose of the antenna?
Antennas are the most physically visible component of a wireless infrastructure. Whether it be radio, LAN, or otherwise, an antenna is extremely important. The antennas primary function is to transmit and receive clear signals between multiple wireless points.
What is the height of antenna in volleyball?
The antenna is a flexible rod, 1.8m long and 10mm in diameter and made of fibreglass or similar material. It is fastened on opposite sides of the net. The top of the antenna extends 80cm above the net and is marked with 10cm stripes of contrasting colour, usually red and white.
What is antenna fault volleyball?
Antenna Fault/Foot Fault. Another responsibility for the volleyball line judge is watching where the ball crosses the plane of the net. The ball is “out” if the ball crosses outside of, or over either antenna. Also, if the ball contacts the antenna or the body of the net outside the antenna.
Is net touch service allowed in volleyball?
Players may not touch the net. If 2 opposing players touch the net simultaneously, the ball is declared dead and is replayed.
Is it legal to use the net between the antennae as a support or stabilizing aid?
2 Players may touch the post, ropes, or any other object outside the antennae, including the net itself, provided that it does not interfere with the play.