Can a duplication cyst be cancerous?

Occasionally, these cysts are asymptomatic, and can be found incidentally in adulthood. Duplication cysts can rarely turn malignant, and a few such cases have been reported.

How rare is a duplication cyst?

Multiple duplication cysts are rather uncommon (1–7%) [4, 16]. These include multiple EDCs within one segment of the GT or less frequently in two or more segments (Fig. 4) [11, 16, 18, 19].

What does duplication cyst mean?

Enteric duplication cysts, sometimes simply called duplication cysts, are rare congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract. They most frequently occur in the small intestine, particularly the ileum, but can occur anywhere along the gastrointestinal tract. They may be cystic or tubular in conformation.

What is a foregut duplication cyst?

INTRODUCTION: Foregut duplication cysts are rare congenital malformations during neonatal period. They are frequently asymptomatic, but may cause respiratory distress due to compression of airways. They are usually found in the right posterior mediastinum in retrocardiac position.

What is a duodenal cyst?

Duodenal duplication cysts constitute a rare congenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract. A recent meta-analysis of the literature between 1999 and 2009 reported a total of 47 cases of duodenal duplication cysts. 3. They form during the embryonic development of the human digestive organs.

What are the symptoms of a cyst in your stomach?


  • Pelvic pain — a dull or sharp ache in the lower abdomen on the side of the cyst.
  • Fullness or heaviness in your abdomen.
  • Bloating.

What happens if you have a cyst in your stomach?

Cysts. Cysts are liquid-filled sacs that can occur in many parts of the body. Cysts in the abdominal area can grow large enough to become noticeable , and they may be painful. Ovarian cysts that grow on or inside the ovaries can cause noticeable swelling in the lower area of the abdomen.

Where is the most common site of intestinal duplication?

The most common site of duplication is the jejunum and ileum followed by the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and colon. Intestinal duplications usually manifest in the 1st or 2nd year of life. Duplications can be asymptomatic or cause obstructive symptoms, chronic pain, gastrointestinal bleeding, or abdominal mass.

What causes small intestine cyst?

Chylous cysts are usually associated with the small bowel mesentery, serous cysts usually appear in the mesocolon, and hemorrhagic cysts are caused by trauma and can appear anywhere in the bowel [1].

How do you treat an esophageal cyst?

Surgery is the standard treatment for symptomatic esophageal duplication cysts A minimally invasive approach to surgery for esophageal duplication cysts is less invasive than open surgery, resulting in reduced risk of infections, shorter hospital stay and quicker recovery time.

What causes enteric duplication cyst?

Enterogenous cyst is a type of congenital malformation and, essentially, represents a GI (enteric) duplication cyst. It occurs early in life. Patients may be asymptomatic or present with symptoms of gastric acid secretion or pancreatitis. These cysts originate from either the midgut or foregut.