Are white mages good?

Without a doubt the White Mage is the strongest healer in the game. Their spells regenerate the most health and they’re good at both burst and over time healing. If a player is on the brink of death the White Mage is best equipped to get them back to full. That isn’t to say they’re necessarily the best healer.

How do I get white mage gear?

There are a few routes.

  1. Do some dungeons. Anything that drops with “MND” on it is a healer item, so you should check your gear to see if it’d be an improvement.
  2. Check the market boards and sort by “Conjurer” or “White Mage”.
  3. Craft it. Weaver makes the large majority of caster/healer gear.

Can white mage be DPS?

Consumables for White Mage Healers’ DPS spells scale off Mind (not Intelligence), so White Mage will always take Mind potions to increase our damage wherever we can make use of it. Food for White Mage is always included in best-in-slot gearsets.

Whats better scholar or White Mage?

but seriously out of those two scholar would be the better “support”, though it also depends on what support means to you. scholar is shield based healer and white mage is just a flat out hp healer. one is not better than the other it comes down to personal preference.

Is White Mage a good healer?

In raid and trial content, however, the benefit is less pronounced and much of your time is spent using a simple DPS rotation until it’s time to heal. What this does mean is that at level 90, White Mage is a great healer to learn with, as you need no real encounter knowledge to play to high effectiveness.

How do you get Healer’s robe?

Obtained From : Selling NPC(3)

  1. Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:11.3 Y:14.3)
  2. Old Gridania (X:10.0 Y:8.4)
  3. Ul’dah – Steps of Thal (X:12.6 Y:13.1)

Is aerith a White Mage?

Two unique versions of the White Mage also exist as jobs for Rosa and Aerith, known as “White Mage of Baron” and “White Mage (FFVIIR)” respectively. The jobs have access to several abilities from their original games.

What stats are good for White Mage?

You want your heals and damage spells to Crit as much as possible, making Critical Hit a priority. Direct Hit Rate is great for Glare but does nothing for your heals. On the other hand, Determination provides a small boost to everything you do. This makes Direct Hit and Determination equally valuable on a White Mage.

Will the Garo event come back Ffxiv?

Garo gear comeback officially announced in Final Fantasy XIV (April 1, 2022 update) On the Letter from the Producer Live Part LXX stream on April 1, 2022, YoshiP officially announced the Garo collaboration event is coming back.