Are visitors allowed in Antrim Hospital?

All visiting is by appointment only and visitors must contact the ward nurse in charge to arrange the visit. Please be aware that wards will be experiencing high volume of calls and we would ask the public to be patient with staff.

Are you allowed visitors in hospital in Ireland?

Visiting arrangements Visiting is now permitted but some COVID-19 measures remain in place. Please contact the ward manager to make an appointment to visit a loved one. Please continue to follow infection control guidelines, such as mask wearing and hand hygiene.

Can you visit hospital in Level 2?

Most hospital and specialist appointments are still happening during Level 2, but there may be some changes and different rules to protect everyone from COVID-19. The hospital staff will contact you and tell you: If you need to come to the hospital for your appointment.

What is a direct assessment unit in hospital?

WORK OF THE DEPARTMENT The Direct Assessment Unit is a Consultant Led Unit and has an 11 cubicle assessment area with consultancy rooms for patients on ambulatory care pathways. Telephone referrals are received from GP’s, Emergency Departments and Northern Ireland Ambulance Service (NIAS).

Where is Antrim Area Hospital?

Northern Ireland

Antrim Area Hospital
Location Antrim, County Antrim, Northern Ireland
Coordinates 54.7188°N 6.2229°W
Care system Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland

Are visitors allowed in hospitals in Level 1?

Visitors and escorts are only allowed at health facilities under special circumstances. All visitors and escorts must be screened at the entrance of the facility. Outpatients: o One escort is allowed for paediatric, disabled, vulnerable, or enfeebled (weak) patients.

Can you visit Cuh?

We welcome visitors to CUH and realise the importance of such visits to the well being of our patient’s peace and quiet to rest and recover.

What is A5 in Antrim Hospital?

The new Ward A5 will provide 24 hour care for medical patients seven days per week. It will increase bed capacity on the hospital site and improve the overall patient experience. A5 will have four bays of five beds in each bay and four single ensuite side rooms.