Are Victor torches any good?

Victor’s torches have one of the best reputations in the business. One of the first things that metal workers bring up about their Victor torches is the sturdy brass construction. Victor’s torches are durable and the the brass components won’t wear down.

What PSI should a torch be set at?

Safe numbers are 40 psi for oxygen and 10 psi for acetylene, regardless of tip size. Simply adjust them until you get a neutral flame. Pay close attention to the pressure to prevent it from exceeding the limit.

What happens if the torch tip is too large?

Excess Cutting Oxygen If the cutting oxygen pressure is too high or the nozzle size too large, a reduction in cut quality will result. Nozzles are made to operate within a limited range of torch pressures. Therefore, excessive oxygen pressure causes distortions in the oxygen stream once it leaves the nozzle.

Can I weld with a cutting torch?

The handle can be fitted with a cutting head, welding tip, or heating attachment to cut, weld, or mold metal as required. If you are using the torch to cut metal, you will need an additional cutting tip that attaches to the end of the cutting head.

Who makes firepower torches?

Victor Technologies

UPC 716352572927
Weight 13.400000
Item Number 0384-2682
Manufacturer Victor Technologies

How much does it cost to fill a small oxygen acetylene tank?

The costs for filling your acetylene and oxygen tanks differ due to the tank capacity, with bigger tanks per cubic foot less costly. A tank of around $20, #4 at $80, and #5 onwards would run around $120. Oxygen is about $20 for 240 cubic feet or about 300 cubic feet and $35 for your bigger 300 feet.

Is a plasma cutter faster than a torch?

Plasma does not require the metal to be preheated before cutting, which saves time, and plasma cutters also outperform oxy-fuel torches when cutting stacked metals. Faster speeds can be achieved on thinner metals with plasma, with minimal or no metal distortion.

Why is my torch popping?

The reason that an oxyacetylene cutting torch will pop and go out is because of a problem with gas flow. Usually this is either an issue with flow settings, a leak or blockage. In short, it could be a number of things.

How far should the acetylene needle valve be open when lighting the torch?

The welder should stand to one side of the regulator when opening the cylinder valves. The acetylene needle valve should be opened fully to ensure quick lighting of the torch. A torch should be lit with the tip pointing downward.