Are there any sharks in Cozumel?

There are all kinds of different sharks in the Cozumel waters and being able to see them in their natural habitat is a dream come true. Cozumel offers some of the clearest and warmest waters on the planet. This is why it is such a popular diving destination, attracting global visitors all year round.

What sharks are around Cozumel?

The most common shark you’ll see while diving in Cozumel is the Atlantic nurse shark. On occasion, you may spot some black-tip reef sharks on dive sites in the southernmost portion of the protected national marine park. There have also been isolated stories of rare hammerhead shark sightings.

Can you see whale sharks in Cozumel?

After this experience you’ll never look at life the same way again. This incredible tour is available for a short season only, while whale sharks are around the tip of the Yucatan peninsula about 70 miles (110km) from Cozumel. The whale shark season is expected to end on September 17, 2022 – see Restrictions.

Are nurse sharks harmful to humans?

Nurse sharks are slow-moving bottom-dwellers and are, for the most part, harmless to humans. However, they can be huge—up to 14 feet—and have very strong jaws filled with thousands of tiny, serrated teeth, and will bite defensively if stepped on or bothered by divers who assume they’re docile.

Has there been shark attacks in Cozumel?

Not to alarm anyone but in honor of shark week, my “shark week” addicted husband was researching shark attacks and found 3 recorded fatal attacks on divers in Cozumel.

Are there orcas in Cozumel?

Rare dolphin in Cozumel. Known scientifically by their latin name, Pseudorca Crassidens, they live in temperate and tropical waters and share characteristics with the more widely known killer whale, or orca.

Are there manta rays in Cozumel?

Our Expert Guides will take you on an entertaining journey through the best of Cozumel. Immerse yourself in one of the world’s most spectacular reefs and enjoy snorkeling and swimming with manta rays!

What do you do if you see a nurse shark?

Swimming with nurse sharks is relatively safe, but that doesn’t mean there’s no risk involved at all. Even though these slow-moving sharks are docile, you must remember that they are still wild animals and may attack if they feel threatened.

Has anyone been bitten by a nurse shark?

Florida man is bitten by nurse shark that won’t let go, acts like it’s no big deal. The strange incident took place in Jensen Beach, and the shark in question would not let go of its grip on the man’s arm, not even when he stepped out of the water.

Are crocodiles a problem in Cozumel?

Crocodile at Punta Sur Park. Although globally a “vulnerable” species, in parts of Cozumel they thrive due to the protection of their habitat and lack of hunting.

Are there snakes in Cozumel?

We present evidence indicating that the boa (Boa constrictor) was introduced onto Cozumel Island, Quintana Roo, Mexico, in 1971. This snake is now firmly established and has a wide distribution on Cozumel. We recorded an encounter rate of 1.8 boas per 100 km of forest surveyed.