Are the Forsworn not Nords?

Both the spirits and the hagravens within the Reach are said to largely support the Forsworn cause. This faith of the Forsworn is largely considered to be old and heretical by both Imperial and Nord standards, and were therefore forbidden by the Nords.

Can you side with the Forsworn?

The Forsworn are the most common type of hostile NPC encountered in the Reach. Encounters with them will not occur under normal conditions outside of the Reach. It is not possible to join the Forsworn, but you can side with them through a quest series and one area will become non-hostile.

Who is Eltrys wife?

Rhiada is married to Eltrys. If the Dragonborn starts “The Forsworn Conspiracy” quest and talks to Eltrys, they will find out that she is pregnant.

Are Forsworn cannibals?

Probably hunter-gathering mixed with small-time goat herding and very primitive farming, but they likely get a lot of their food by stealing from Nord farmers and raiding merchant caravans. And there’s always cannibalism in some tribes.

Are the Forsworn cannibals?

What happens if you let Madanach live?

Upon helping Madanach escape and choosing not to kill him at Thonar’s behest, Madanach will reward the Dragonborn with the Armor of the Old Gods.

What happens if I side with Madanach?

If I side with Madanach and he kills everyone in Markarth, what happens about future quests in Markarth, do the characters and guards respawn? And that means that siding with just to get the armour is not worth it. If you are quick enough you can get the armor from Madanch and then betray him before he leaves the mine.

Can you save Eltrys?

Note: Depending on the choices made, Eltrys is supposed to die, however in this scenario the guards are supposed to arrest the Dragonborn at the shrine. PC 360 If the quest is finished and the Dragonborn has escaped the mine, returning to the shrine will result in the Dragonborn being arrested again.

Where can I find Dinya Balu?

Dinya Balu is a Dunmer priestess who resides in the Temple of Mara in Riften.