Are TfL buses still free for under 18?
Are TfL buses still free for under 18?
Children aged 16-17 can get free and discounted travel on all our transport services with a Zip Oyster photocard.
Can I use my over 60 Oyster card before 9.30 on buses?
Older Person’s Freedom Passes provide free travel in London and on bus services elsewhere in the country. But since June last year, neither card can be used for free travel before 9am on weekdays.
Is the 18 Oyster card free on buses?
Get an 18+ Student Oyster photocard You can save 30% on Travelcards and Bus & Tram Passes with our 18+ Student Oyster photocard. You can also use this Oyster card to pay as you go but you won’t receive the 30% discount. Find the cost of Travelcards and Bus & Tram Passes.
How do I get my TfL verification letter?
Alternatively, you can download a verification letter from your TfL account and take it to a London post office with proof of your age (this can be a passport, European ID card, birth certificate or biometric residency permit).
Do 13 year olds pay on London Underground?
Children aged 11 to 15 years old can get free or discounted travel with a Zip Oyster photocard, or a Young Visitor discount. Sixteen and 17 year olds pay half the adult rate on Tube, DLR and London Overground journeys with a 16+ Zip Oyster photocard.
Is travel still free for under 18?
Free travel on London’s transport for under-18s will be suspended after the October half-term, according to government plans seen by the BBC. The plan to temporarily end free travel for 11 to 17-year-olds was a condition Transport for London’s (TfL) £1.6bn lockdown bailout.
Can I use 60+ Oyster card before 9am?
60+ Oystercard It also allows holders of the pass to travel for free after 9:30am on National Rail services within London on weekdays and anytime on weekends and bank holidays.
Is 18+ Oyster card worth it?
Due to the £20 fee of registering for an 18+ Oyster card, it is worth considering whether or not it will be worth the money for you. If you will only be making a few journeys on public transport, you may not need to use a Travelcard or Bus & Tram Pass season ticket and therefore would not need an 18+ photocard.
How long does 18+ Oyster take to arrive?
within five to seven days
Your 18+ Student Oyster photocard will be sent to the address you provide and should arrive within five to seven days after approval from King’s. Please note that when applying you will need: A colour, digital photo. Your student, enrolment ID from your school, college or university.
What is a TfL verification letter?
Instead you will receive a ‘TFL information request letter’, which TFL call a ‘Verification Letter’. The letter warns that ‘legal proceedings may be taken against you’. TFL take a hardline when it comes to fare evasion, so the Verification Letters are sent out in a wide variety of circumstances.
Does an Oyster card count as photo ID?
Unfortunately not. You need a passport, driving licence or national identity card.