Are TACP Special Forces?

TACPs are Special Warfare airmen who operate in multiple contexts. Most commonly, TACPs serve as the principal Air Force liaison element to the United States Army (USA), where they align with combat maneuver echelons from Corps to Battalion level.

What Air Force bases have TACP?

Unit Locations

  • Fort Bliss, (El Paso) TX (7th Air Support Operations Squadron (ASOS)
  • Fort Hood, (Killeen) TX (9th ASOS)
  • Fort Riley, (Junction City) KS (10th ASOS)
  • Fort Hood, (Killeen) TX (11th ASOS)
  • Fort Carson, (Colorado Springs) CO (13th ASOS)
  • Fort Hood, (Killeen) TX (712th ASOS)
  • Pope AFB, (Fayetteville) NC (14th ASOS)

Are all TACP JTAC?

A TACP is a Tactical Air Control Party. It is comprised of a JTAC (Joint Terminal Attack Controller) and supporting personnel, typically a ROMAD; though with the high demand for JTACs in the field with conventional units, many patrols are actually supported by ROMADs.

Do CCTs see combat?

CCTs of some form (whether called FACs other, defacto acronyms) have been involved in some combat, humanitarian, peacekeeping and other classified operations since the USAF became an autonomous branch of the military.

How long is the TACP schoolhouse?

Provided that they have made it this far in the Pipeline, TACP candidates attend Air Force TACP Apprentice Course, also known as the TACP Schoolhouse. Based at JBSA Lackland, the TACP Apprentice Course is 22 weeks long and is where the highly specialized training happens for Special Warfare Airman.

How much does an Air Force TACP make?

TACP Salary

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
Top Earners $98,500 $47
75th Percentile $62,500 $30
Average $53,275 $26
25th Percentile $31,000 $15