Are Shar-Pei good with babies?

Children, other dogs, and pets of any type, will not be a good mix with the Shar-Pei. These dogs simply have too many aggressive and protective tendencies. The breed’s long list of hereditary health problems is perhaps more concerning.

Are Shar-Pei puppies hard to train?

The Shar-Pei is active, quick-learning, and intelligent. They are one of the easier breeds to housebreak. However, the breed requires a firm, confident pet parent who can train in a consistent and rewarding manner.

Can Shar-Peis be friendly?

Some Chinese Shar-Pei are friendly, while others are very reserved. Some have protective instincts toward strangers. But all Shar-Peis need extensive exposure to friendly people so they learn to recognize the normal behaviors of “good guys.” Then they can recognize the difference when someone acts abnormally.

How are shar-pei with kids?

The Shar-Pei is a devoted family dog who is protective of his family, including children. To best teach him to get along with kids, he should be raised with them; if he doesn’t live with them, he should be exposed to children as he grows up.

Can shar-pei be left alone?

Breeds of big dogs that can be left alone include Shar-Pei, Greyhound, Bullmastiff, or Labradoodle. It’s important to stress that, even though some dogs cope better with being alone, it doesn’t mean they should be neglected.

Why is my Shar Pei shaking?

Symptoms of swollen hock syndrome are lethargy, poor appetite and sometimes a high temperature, combined with shivering. The Chinese Shar-Pei’s large muzzle may also be swollen and the eyes puffed up, symptoms similar to a wasp sting. Your Shar-Pei may scream in pain when the muzzle is touched.

How long do Shar Pei dogs live?

9 – 11 yearsShar Pei / Life span

The expected average lifespan for Shar-Pei is 8-12 years. However, even though this is the typical life expectancy, many factors can affect these numbers.

Do Shar Pei dogs bite?

Protective. As they were bred to protect farms and homes, the Shar-Pei is an impressive watchdog and may scare off intruders with his deep, resounding bark. Unless well-socialized, Shar-Pei may choose to reinforce their bark with a bite.