Are magnetic poles attracted to each other?

The south-seeking pole, or any pole similar to it, is called a south magnetic pole. Unlike poles of different magnets attract each other; like poles repel each other.

Do two magnetic north poles attract or repel?

A magnet has two ends called poles; one end is the north pole and the other is the south pole. A north pole will attract a south pole; the magnets pull on each other. But the two north poles will push each other away. We say the magnets repel each other.

Which ends of magnets attract?

Unlike-poles attract: When a north pole and south pole point together, the arrows point in the SAME direction so the field lines can join up and the magnets pull together (attract).

What happens when the same poles of two magnets whether north or south are placed close to each other?

When opposite poles of the magnets approach, they attract each other. Any north-south combination will pull them together. But when two like poles come together, they push each other apart.

What will happen if you put opposite magnetic poles close to each other?

When two magnets are brought together, the opposite poles will attract one another, but the like poles will repel one another. This is similar to electric charges. Like charges repel, and unlike charges attract.

What happens if the north pole of one magnet faces the south pole of the other magnet?

If you put the north pole of one magnet next to the south pole of the other, then the field lines go straight from the north pole of the first magnet to the south pole of the second, and you feel an attractive force between the two magnets.

What is opposite pole?

At or holding two completely opposite positions, opinions, or viewpoints, as between two people or two groups of people. Refers to the North and South Pole, which lie diametrically opposite each other along the Earth’s axis of rotation.

Why do like poles repel?

This is because when the two magnets of like poles are kept facing each other the lines of forces are in opposite directions. So the like poles repel each other. When the unlike poles of a bar magnet face each other the magnetic lines of force are in the same direction and hence unlike poles attract each other.

What happens when the same poles of a magnets face each other?

If you line the magnets up so that two of the same poles face each other, the magnets will push away. This is called repulsion. Opposite poles attract each other, but similar poles repel.

Why same pole of magnet repel each other True or false?

All magnets have north and south poles. Opposite poles are attracted to each other, while the same poles repel each other. A magnet attracts or repels other magnets, depending on their mutual orientation of North and South Poles.

What happens when the north pole of a magnet is brought near the north pole of another magnet?

When the north pole of a strong magnet is brought near to the north pole of a weak magnet then they will attract each other. The north pole of the strong magnet induces a weak south pole on the weak magnet. That is the reason for the attraction.

How magnets attract and repel?

All magnets have north and south poles. Opposite poles are attracted to each other, while the same poles repel each other. When you rub a piece of iron along a magnet, the north-seeking poles of the atoms in the iron line up in the same direction. The force generated by the aligned atoms creates a magnetic field.