Are legendary allowed in Battle Maison?

Rules. Almost all Pokemon can enter the Battle Maison. The only banned Pokemon are select Legendary Pokemon.

Which Pokemon team is best for Omega Ruby?

Swampert: Obviously the best starter available in the game. Its only weakness is grass(4×) and it can cover it by learning ice beam.

  • Breloom: Shroomish helps a lot in the starting parts of the game. Leech seed helps a lot during battles.
  • Aggron: Realy strong Pokemon with high attack.
  • How does Battle Maison work?

    The Battle Maison is a Battle Facility that’s located in Kiloude City. This place allows you to fight random trainers with semi-random sets of Pokemon to earn Battle Points. Trade the Battle Points you earn at the counters to get some very rare items.

    How do you fight Wally in the battle Resort?

    For you to enable rebattles against Wally, you’ll need to earn a 50-win streak in any of the Super Battle types in the Battle Maison. As you leave the Maison thereafter, you’ll meet with Wally and can then speak with him to battle him.

    Does the Battle Maison use legendaries?

    Yes, the Battle Maison uses legendaries, but you can use those same legendaries! Do not freak out about legendaries. Besides the Chatelaines, Veterans with navy blue coats will show up after 40 wins and will also have legendaries. But you should not worry too much about them.

    What level do you have to be to challenge the Battle Maison?

    When challenging the Battle Maison: All Pokémon above level 50 will be set to level 50. Those under level 50 will remain at their current level. Bag items cannot be used. Pokémon will not gain experience points or effort values by defeating opponents.

    How do I get the monument in the Battle Maison?

    A victory against a Battle Chatelaine on the 50th consecutive battle on any of the Super challenges will reward the player with a commemorative monument in the lobby of the Battle Maison.

    Where can I find a Battle Maison replica?

    A Battle Maison Replica is located in the Battle Resort in the Hoenn region, serving as an equivalent to the Battle Tower from Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire.