Are LED lights good for growing aquarium plants?

Yes, aquarium plants will definitely grow under LED as long as the light emits in the right spectrum. Regular white LEDs are great and will allow your plants to thrive.

What Colour light is best for aquarium plant growth?

Colors of Light for Healthy Growth of Aquatic Plants Red and blue lights are used in photosynthesis of plants. Red light is attenuated rapidly in water while blue light has better penetration in water.

Do blue LED lights help aquarium plants grow?

In addition, if installed in the aquarium, the blue light will make the plants grow very bushy and leafy. In fact, plants in the aquarium use a specific type of blue light called actinic blue light for their growth. The blue light helps in the growth of the leaves and the stems of the plant.

Will 5000k LED grow aquarium plants?

Short answer, yes! Long answer, it depends. As long as the LED’s emit the necessary spectrum’s of light that your aquatic plants need, they’ll grow just fine. It’s one the most vital things you’re going to purchase for your tank so you have to make the right choice.

How much watt LED is needed for planted tank?

Therefore, aquariums that require high lighting conditions will need light fixtures with higher wattage output. A good basic rule to follow is to provide 1 to 2 watts of lighting per gallon for fish-only aquariums, 2 to 5 watts per gallon for freshwater planted aquariums, and 4 to 8 watts per gallon for reef aquariums.

Will an LED light grow plants?

Do plants grow well under LED lights? Yes, plants can definitely grow and thrive under LED lights. Since LED lighting is relatively new, people have a lot of questions about how effective it is for plant growth.

Will normal LED lights grow plants?

Yes, plants will grow under normal LED lights. Grow lights aren’t special – they’re just strong. Bright light causes plants to grow, whether they’re marketed as grow lights or not.

Is 5000 Kelvin good for plants?

In general, plants can survive within the color temperature range of 2700K-7000K, so both 5000K and 6500K are within an acceptable range.