Are hotot rabbits rare?

They are considered globally endangered due to the small population across the world. The Blanc de Hotot has been bred for meat, fur, shows, and family pets.

Are hotot rabbits good pets?

Dwarf Hotot has a compact body type, with a round, well-filled head and short neck. Their hindquarters should be rounded and in line with the wide shoulders. The ears are short and thick. In addition to their adorable looks, these rabbits also have a friendly personality that makes them a good choice for a pet.

How big do hotot rabbits get?

9 to 11 pounds
The Blanc de Hotot is a large rabbit with bucks weighing 8 to 10 pounds and mature does 9 to 11 pounds. They are an active, hardy breed and are easily raised in all wire cages. They are fairly good mothers, have good-size litters, and the young grow rather fast.

Are Lionhead rabbits rabbit friendly?

Lionhead Rabbit Behavior and Temperament To satisfy the lionhead’s social needs, it’s ideal to keep more than one rabbit. Members of the opposite sex can be kept together if they are spayed and neutered. Plus, some rabbits even form bonds with other household pets, including calm, well-mannered cats and dogs.

What do hotot rabbits eat?

Quick Facts about the Blanc de Hotot Rabbit

Species Name: Blanc de Hotot
Lifespan: 7–10 years
Size: Medium to large – 8 to 11 lbs
Diet: Hay, fruit, vegetables, pellets
Minimum Cage Size: 4 square feet per rabbit

Do Lionheads like to be held?

Lionheads are extremely good natured, and combined with the genetic mutation that gives them the long fur around their heads are not only a pleasant pet to spend time with, but pleasant to look at as well. They are happy to cuddle up and enjoy as much attention as they can get.

What is the smartest rabbit breed?

Top 6 Smartest Rabbit Breeds

  • Belgian Hare.
  • Continental Giant.
  • Harlequin.
  • Holland Lop.
  • Mini Lop.
  • Netherland Dwarf.