Are Flame Point Siamese cats rare?

Flame Point Siamese Are Extremely Rare and Expensive These are some of the rarest cats in the world, and as such, they’re extremely expensive when you find them. A Flame Point Siamese with distinct markings can fetch up to $2,000 for a single kitten!

How much does a Flame Point Siamese kitten cost?

The price of a Flame Point Siamese kitten will depend on the bloodline and quality of the breeder, as well as if it’s male or female. The average price for a Flame Point Siamese is $400 – 600 in most states.

Are Flame Point Siamese good cats?

Flame Point Siamese cats have lots of energy and are active throughout the day. They’re vocal, needy, and protective over their family. They’re also tolerant, which makes them good pets for families with young children. Flame Points are gentle, curious, laid back, and highly intelligent.

How do you tell if my cat is a flame point?

Most Flame Points develop red fur around their eyes and nose – and some have a distinctive M-shaped mark on their forehead, which comes from their tabby genes. Flame Points also have red or orange tips on their ears and face, which are known as colorpoints.

What is the rarest Siamese breed?

3 Little-Known Facts About Flame Point Siamese Cat

  1. These Cats are the Rarest of the Siamese Breed. It’s incredibly difficult to achieve the red flame color and even more difficult to breed out the face’s tabby lines.
  2. They Did Not Breed Red Point Cats Until the 1930s.
  3. 75% of all Flame Point Siamese Cats are Male.

Are Flame Point Siamese cats albino?

Most flame points have blue eyes from their Himalayan genes. It is also the prevalence of this gene that makes flame points partially albino. The breeding of the flame point did not start until the 1930s.

Is flame point cat rare?

The Flame Point Siamese Cat (also known as Red Point Siamese) is a rare type of Siamese cat bred to exhibit a red colorpoint pattern. It’s called many different names worldwide, and some cat registries don’t register it at all, choosing instead to label it a red colorpoint shorthair.

Are Flame Point Siamese cats really Siamese?

Whichever name you call it, many agree that the Flame Point cat is a beautiful and rare breed. A Flame Point Siamese cat results from breeding a Siamese and an American Tabby Shorthair cat. Its white or cream body and red-pointed nose, paws, ears, and tail are easily recognizable.

What should I know about Flame Point Siamese?

3 Little-Known Facts About Flame Point Siamese Cat

  • These Cats are the Rarest of the Siamese Breed. It’s incredibly difficult to achieve the red flame color and even more difficult to breed out the face’s tabby lines.
  • They Did Not Breed Red Point Cats Until the 1930s.
  • 75% of all Flame Point Siamese Cats are Male.

Do Flame Point Siamese cats shed?

Flame Point Siamese certainly have short hair as compared to many other breeds. Short hair means lesser shedding because the dander is also less. It is one reason why Flame Point Siamese are considered hypoallergenic.

How smart is a Flame Point Siamese?

The Flame Point Siamese is also very intelligent and can sense your mood and alter its behavior accordingly. It can follow simple commands and will often try to exert control over any other animals you have in the house, including dogs, and will often be successful.

Are Flame Point Siamese cats hypoallergenic?

So, flame point Siamese cats are not hypoallergenic. But some people with allergies might react less severely to them because their fur is short and fine. So, it may require less licking to keep clean.

What is the temperament of a flame point Siamese cat?

What is the temperament of a Flame Point Siamese cat? Flame point Siamese cats are generally playful, active, curious, and lively when they are healthy and happy. They may become more passive and docile as they age but typically retain most of their temperamental traits to various degrees. Male and Female Differences

What is the personality of a flame point cat?

Adaptable and Flexible. While most Siamese cats can become stressed or anxious with abnormalities or changes in routine,flame point Siamese cats are usually more open to change.

  • Loving and Affectionate. Flame point Siamese cats are incredibly sweet,gentle,and affectionate.
  • Chatty and Loud.
  • Friendly and Personable.
  • Extroverted.
  • What does a flame point Siamese cat cost?

    So, how much is a flame point Siamese cat worth? Flame Point Siamese cats cost between $400 and $1000 but can cost around $2000 when bought from a reputable breeder. This coat variant is rare, making them highly sought after. The cat’s age, ancestry, and the breeder’s vetting investments will affect the expected price.

    How much is a flame point Siamese worth?

    The cost of a flame point can vary. Breeding and show cats cost more than pet-quality cats. Pet quality means that the cat may have a minor flaw such as a kink in the tail. Generally, you can expect to pay between $1,000 to $1,500 for a flame point Siamese.