Are Enfield CT schools good?

Enfield High School is ranked #4,679 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare students for college.

What school district is Enfield CT in?

Enfield School District

District Name: Enfield School District schools for this district NCES District ID: 0901470 State District ID: CT-0490011
Mailing Address: 1010 Enfield Street Enfield, CT 06082 Physical Address: 1010 Enfield Street Enfield, CT 06082 Phone: (860)253-6500
Type: Local school district Status: Open Total Schools: 8

Are Enfield CT schools closed today?

Forecast: School’s Open. In the meantime, check your local weather to see if things will change. To register your organization, please call 860-521-3030.

What division is Enfield High School?

Central Connecticut Conference
Enfield High School is part of the Central Connecticut Conference.

How many people go to Enfield High School?

1,500Enfield High School / Number of students (2018–2019)

What is the zip code for Enfield Connecticut?

Enfield/Zip codes

Is there school today in Meriden CT?

The Meriden Public Schools are closed today, Thursday, January 20, 2022.

How many students are in Enfield High School?

How many public high schools are there in Connecticut?

There are 556 high schools in Connecticut, made up of 431 public schools and 125 private schools.

What is the area code for Enfield?

The six boroughs that have significant areas within other codes are Bexley, partly within the Dartford (01322) code; Bromley, partly within the Orpington (01689) and Westerham (01959) codes; Croydon, partly within the Orpington (01689) and Redhill (01737) codes; Enfield, partly within the Waltham Cross (01992) code; …

What is the zip code for Granby CT?

Granby/Zip codes