Are citation signals italicized Bluebook?

Italicize the signal if it is included in the citation sentence. Capitalize the signal if it the first word of the sentence. Include an explanatory parenthetical if the citation requires it. Pay close attention to comma usage, placement, and typeface as dictated in the Bluebook.

How do you cite a signal Bluebook?

There are two main rules to keep in mind: first, signals should be used in the order they appear in rule 1.2, and second, in a citation sentence, signals of the same family are separated by semicolons, while signals of different families are separated by periods.

What is a signal in legal citation?

In law, a citation or introductory signal is a set of phrases or words used to clarify the authority (or significance) of a legal citation as it relates to a proposition. It is used in citations to present authorities and indicate how those authorities relate to propositions in statements.

What does CF signal mean?

Abbreviation for the Latin word confer, meaning “compare.” Cf. is a signal indicating that the cited source supports a different claim than the one just made, but that it is worthwhile to compare the two claims and assess the difference. Parenthetical explanations are encouraged to explain how a cf.

When would you use a CF signal?

Stated another way, “Cf.” is used when a comparison between the textual assertion and the cited source would support the proposition by analogy, while “Compare” is used when the comparison between two or more sources will tend to support or illustrate the proposition.

How do you cite two sources Bluebook?

When citing to sources that span more than one page, retain the last two digits, and drop the other repetitious digits. This rule does not apply when citing multiple sections of statutes or regulations. Separate the inclusive page numbers with a dash; there are no spaces between the numerals and the dash.

How do you cite multiple sources in Bluebook?

Is there a space between F and Supp?

Do not use spaces within any part of the reporter citation (e.g. F. Supp. 2d, not F. Supp.

Is it see eg or see eg?

Note that e.g. should be followed by a comma, and that it can be preceded by other signals. Examples include: See, e.g., ____ and But see, e.g., ____. In general writing, this signal can be used to give examples that illuminate or support the preceding statement.

Are introductory signals italicized?

A signal sends a shorthand message to the reader about the relationship between a proposition and the source or authority cited for that proposition. Signals should always be used in citations. Signals should be underlined or italicized.

When would you use a cf signal?

What does cf mean in a document?

The abbreviation cf. (short for the Latin: confer/conferatur, both meaning ‘compare’) is used in writing to refer the reader to other material to make a comparison with the topic being discussed.