Are AR-15 rifles legal in Tennessee?

As for the shooter in Tennessee, initial reports indicate that an AR-15 was used. Because there is no assault weapons ban, and because an AR-15 is a rifle and not a handgun, virtually any law-abiding citizen over the age of 18 may purchase one. (Owners may also carry it around with them, so long as it is unloaded.)

Can I carry my AR-15 in my car in Tennessee?

Tennessee also expressly allows a person to carry any firearm, loaded or unloaded, in a lawfully possessed motor vehicle or boat if he or she is not prohibited from purchasing or possessing a firearm.

Are rifles legal in Tennessee?

As of July 1st 2014, guns can be kept in their private vehicle without a gun permit. *Loaded long gun public carry is generally illegal, with exceptions for activities such as hunting and in designated areas. *Unloaded long gun carry without a permit is not prohibited.

How much does a gun cost in TN?


8 year Enhanced $100.00
Concealed Handgun Carry $65.00
Lifetime (Enhanced only) $300.00
Military Lifetime (Enhanced only) $265.00
Retired Law Enforcement Lifetime (Enhanced only) FREE

Are ak47 legal in TN?

Tennessee law allows individuals with gun permits to carry handguns in state-owned public places, like parks and “natural areas.” State law defines a “handgun” as “any firearm with a barrel length of less than twelve inches” that is “designed, made or adapted” to be fired with one hand.

Can you hunt with an AR in Tennessee?

For Deer, Bear, and Elk hunting, center-fire handguns are legal in all counties except where regulated by legislative acts. Full metal jacketed ammunition is prohibited. Handguns using rim-fire ammunition and air rifles are legal for hunting small game except for migratory birds.

Can you own a full auto weapon in Tennessee?

Machine guns are prohibited in Tennessee unless a machine gun complies with one of the limited exceptions for machine gun ownership under federal law.

Is there a magazine capacity limit in Tennessee?

Tennessee’s Magazine Capacity Restriction There are no magazine restrictions in Tennessee.

Can you own a full auto gun in TN?

Can you open carry an AR in Tennessee?

Open Carry Law In Tennessee Tennessee is a licensed open carry state, and if you have an enhanced handgun permit, you can open carry firearms without any issue. However, the state restricts firearms like machine guns and antique weapons, except for officers of the law, military members, and federally licensed owners.

Can I shoot a coyote on my property in Tennessee?

When you see a coyote on your property, it is legal to shoot and kill it in the state of Tennessee. If you are shooting it somewhere else for game, you will need to have your small game hunting license, which is $34.