How much does it cost to replace a hot tub motor?
How much does it cost to replace a hot tub motor?
Hot tub pump and motor replacement cost ranges from $200 to $1,200, depending on the type. Circulation models run $200 to $500, not including installation. The cost to replace hot tub pump with two speeds is $750 to $1,200.
How many HP pump for hot tub?
Because there are so many different sizes of hydrotherapy jets, there is no hard and fast rule concerning pump size. In general, large jets (15-20 GPM) require 1/4 Hp per jet. Some jets are so small you can have a 1 Hp pump drive eight to ten of them. At the other extreme, some small swim spa jets require 1 Hp per jet.
Does a hot tub need to be plumbed in?
Hot tubs are fully portable units and are NOT plumbed in. You will need to be within a hose distance of a water supply to fill the hot tub up. But that’s it, no pipes or permanent water supplies are necessary.
Is it worth it to repair a hot tub?
A well made hot tub should last around 10-15 years. If your hot tub is only 5 or 6 years old, it almost always makes sense to repair it as you should have at least another 5 years life out of it. On the other hand if your hot tub 15 or more years old it is likely living on borrowed time and should probably be replaced.
How does plumbing on hot tub work?
If you remember, we said that the concept of the hot tub plumbing is quite simple. Water is drawn in through the skimmer and through the bottom two inlets pushed through the pump and back out through the jets. What you are trying to do with the jets is get the most power out of them.
Is it better to have 1 or 2 pumps in a hot tub?
Consider how many will be using the hot tub and how you plan to benefit from it. If just 1 or 2 persons using the tub, then one pump should be fine. You will still be able to get a decent power hydromassage by diverter the water to a single zone of the hot tub.
Are more jets in a hot tub better?
For some brands, adding more jets is the only way they can compete. That is why you may come across brands with astronomical jet counts. But more jets does not equal a better hot tub.
What connections do hot tubs need?
Hot tubs with mixed voltage components (such as 120V ozonator and 240V heater) require 4-wire systems. This means they require an electrical circuit providing (2) hot wires, (1) neutral, and (1) ground wire. Check the owner’s manual. The two hot legs (black + red) provide 240 volts (120V +120V).