Does Azure files support REST API?

Azure Files also provides a REST API, often called the FileREST API, which provides another method of accessing data stored in Azure file shares.

How do I enable REST API in Azure?

Enable access to the direct management REST API Navigate to your Azure API Management instance in the Azure portal. Select Management API from the Deployment + infrastructure section of the menu on the left. In Enable API Management REST API, select Yes.

What are the 3 tiers for Azure storage?

Azure offers three storage tiers to store data in blob storage: Hot Access tier, Cool Access tier, and Archive tier. These tiers target data at different stages of its lifecycle and offer cost-effective storage options for different use cases.

How do I upload files to Azure blob storage using API?

In this tutorial, you learn how to upload a file and other operation associated with it:

  1. Set up Postman for all the upload operations.
  2. Connect to Media Services.
  3. Create an access policy with write permission.
  4. Create an asset.
  5. Create a SAS locator and create the upload URL.
  6. Upload a file to blob storage using the upload URL.

How do I use REST API data factory in Azure?

Create a REST linked service using UI

  1. Browse to the Manage tab in your Azure Data Factory or Synapse workspace and select Linked Services, then click New: Azure Data Factory. Azure Synapse.
  2. Search for REST and select the REST connector.
  3. Configure the service details, test the connection, and create the new linked service.

How do I deploy REST API?

Deploy a REST API to a stage

  1. In the APIs navigation pane, choose the API you want to deploy.
  2. In the Resources navigation pane, choose Actions.
  3. From the Actions drop-down menu, choose Deploy API.
  4. In the Deploy API dialog, choose an entry from the Deployment stage dropdown list.

Is S3 a blob storage?

AWS object storage comes in the form of Amazon S3, or Simple Storage Service, and Azure object storage is available with Azure Blob Storage. Both Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage are massively scalable object storage services for unstructured data.

Is Azure storage account PaaS or IaaS?

Azure provides software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS). The platform supports many programming languages and frameworks and can be used alone or in a multi-vendor cloud environment.

How do I send files to Azure blob storage?

Upload a block blob

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to the container you created in the previous section.
  2. Select the container to show a list of blobs it contains.
  3. Select the Upload button to open the upload blade and browse your local file system to find a file to upload as a block blob.