What is paraplegia and tetraplegia?

Paraplegia is a paralysis starting in the thoracic (T1-T12), lumbar (L1-L5) or sacral (S1-S5) area, while tetraplegia is caused by damage in the cervical area (C1-C8). Persons with paraplegia possess good functioning of the arms and hands. The lesion occurs primarily in the trunk and legs.

What is the difference between tetraplegia quadriplegia and paraplegia?

Paralysis is a problem moving the body due to disease or injury to the nervous system. There are two types: Paraplegia—full or partial paralysis of the lower half of the body. Quadriplegia, sometimes called tetraplegia—paralysis of both legs and both arms.

What is tetraplegia mean?

Tetraplegia (sometimes referred to as quadriplegia) is a term used to describe the inability to voluntarily move the upper and lower parts of the body. The areas of impaired mobility usually include the fingers, hands, arms, chest, legs, feet and toes and may or may not include the head, neck, and shoulders.

What is the difference between tetraplegia and Tetraparesis?

Abstract. Paraparesis (paraplegia) refers to partial (-paresis) or complete (-plegia) loss of voluntary motor function in the pelvic limbs. Similar involvement of all four limbs is termed tetraparesis (tetraplegia).

What level is tetraplegia?

High-Cervical Nerves (C1 – C4) When all four limbs are affected, this is called tetraplegia or quadriplegia.

How does tetraplegia happen?

Tetraplegia is a paralysis caused by an injury of the cervical spinal cord. This can result in a partial or total sensory and motor loss of the four limbs and torso. The injuries that occur above level C4 often result in respiratory deficiency.

How does tetraplegia occur?

Can you recover from tetraplegia?

For many, recovering from quadriplegia after incomplete spinal cord injury is possible, while the motor/sensory recovery outlook following a complete spinal cord injury is less favorable. Ultimately, individuals with SCI must retrain their body, brain, and spinal cord to work in sync again.

What is low Tetraplegia?

Tetraplegia, also known as quadriplegia, refers to paralysis in the upper and lower body. This means that it affects both arms and both legs. This type of paralysis is typically due to damage to the spinal cord or brain. Tetraplegia is one of the most severe forms of paralysis.

What type of condition is paraplegia?

Paraplegia is a type of paralysis that affects your ability to move the lower half of your body. It occurs when an illness or injury impacts the part of your nervous system which controls the lower half of your body. You might have trouble moving your legs, feet, and stomach muscles.

What are the symptoms of tetraplegia?

Symptoms. The primary symptom of tetraplegia is paralysis in all four limbs. But the interference in communication between your brain and other parts of your body, including your organs, can lead to other symptoms.