How many copies did Raging Blast sell?

Dragon Ball: Raging Blast sold a total of 182,782 copies worldwide in its first week. The PlayStation 3 version dominated with 134,261 copies sold, while only 48,521 copies were sold on the Xbox 360, mainly due to the PS3’s superiority in Japan, where the main amount of sales took place.

What is the longest fight in DB?

Dragon Ball Z: 15 Longest Fights In The Anime, Ranked

  1. 1 Goku Vs Frieza (19 Episodes)
  2. 2 Gohan Vs Cell (11 Episodes)
  3. 3 Everyone Vs Kid Buu (9 Episodes)
  4. 4 Everyone Vs Frieza (8 Episodes)
  5. 5 Vegeta Vs Cell (8 Episodes)
  6. 6 Vegito Vs Super Buu (5 Episodes)
  7. 7 Gotenks Vs Super Buu (5 Episodes)

What is the best battle in Dragon Ball Z?

Dragon Ball: Goku’s 12 Best Battles, Ranked

  1. 1 Goku Versus Frieza.
  2. 2 Goku Versus Jiren.
  3. 3 Goku Versus Hit.
  4. 4 Goku Versus Broly.
  5. 5 Goku Versus Vegeta.
  6. 6 Goku Versus Beerus.
  7. 7 Goku Versus Piccolo Junior.
  8. 8 Goku Versus Cell.

What is Goku’s speed scaled to?

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot estimates that Goku’s power levels are around 10 billion as of the Babidi Saga. By applying the same formula, this means that Goku, without Instant Transmission, can travel 22.321 trillion MPH — or 33,314 times the speed of light!

Who cut Vegeta’s tail?

But since Vegeta didn’t know about Yajirobe(he hid instead of distracting him), Yajirobe was able to take him by surprise and cut off his tail.

Is Top stronger than Jiren?

The leader did tell Goku after their exhibition match that Jiren was more powerful than him, but that was before Toppo went God of Destruction mode. Right now, the leader has the power of Hakai — or Destruction Energy — at his disposal, and that is not something Jiren can compete with.

How Fast Is MUI Goku in MPH?

Goku’s Mastered Ultra Instinct Assuming that power and speed are relative, as evidenced throughout the series, the speed base Goku can travel is roughly around 2,231.1 MPH.

Is MUI Goku FTL?

Still not FTL, but now were getting somewhere. To get to lightspeed from here, we need to increase our power by 5.5 times, or reach a power-level of roughly 827,500,000, a power level which Goku would have achieved during the Android or Cell Sagas.