What are the current laws in NSW regarding smoking?

Smoking and using e-cigarettes are banned in all enclosed public areas and certain outdoor public areas, under the Smoke-free Environment Act 2000and the Smoke-free Environment Regulation 2016. These bans protect people from harmful second-hand tobacco smoke. There is no safe level of exposure to second-hand smoke.

Does my employer have to provide somewhere to smoke?

Legally, an employer does not need to provide a designated smoking area. If you do provide a designated area, usually in the form of a smoking shelter, the boundaries should be clearly defined and it must comply with planning requirements and building regulations.

What policy should a company take towards smoking?

To protect all individuals from exposure to secondhand smoke, companies will, ideally, implement policies that require a smoke-free environment on all company property (including vehicles), and provide smoking cessation support for their employees and covered dependents.

What are the requirements for a smoking area?

The law prohibits smoking in any public place that is “enclosed or substantially enclosed”. Premises will be considered enclosed if they have a ceiling or roof and, except for doors, windows or passageways are wholly enclosed, on a permanent or temporary basis for example tents or marquees.

How do you write a no smoking policy?

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  1. To protect the health, safety, and comfort of clients, employees, customers, and visitors of [ORGANIZATION NAME].
  2. No use of tobacco products, including cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and electronic cigarettes, is permitted within the facilities or on the property of [ORGANIZATION NAME] at any time.

What is the smoke Free Environment Act 2000?

This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation. The object of this Act is to promote public health by reducing exposure to tobacco and other smoke, as well as aerosol or vapour (whether or not containing nicotine) generated by e-cigarettes, in certain public places.

What are the smoking laws in Australia?

Smoke Free Places Smoking is prohibited in virtually all indoor workplaces, indoor public places, and on public transport, as well as in some outdoor places, through a combination of national and sub-national law – the latter of which is more stringent.

How do you handle a smoking break at work?

If you allow your workers to split their rest breaks up in to smoking breaks, you must ensure that they still have one uninterrupted break of at least 20 minutes, if their shift is going to last for six hours or more. You may also need to monitor their breaks to ensure they don’t take more than they’re entitled to.

What is non smoking policy?

The primary purpose of smokefree laws and policies is to protect people who do not smoke from secondhand smoke. 1. However, smokefree laws can also motivate and help tobacco users quit and prevent initiation of tobacco use.

Is smoking in the workplace gross misconduct?

There may be some instances where breach of the smoking policy or rules could constitute gross misconduct, such as smoking without regard to safety rules e.g. smoking next to flammable liquids when it is clearly designated as a no smoking area.