What is the story behind the pickle ornament?
What is the story behind the pickle ornament?
In the tradition, an ornamental pickle is placed on a Christmas tree as one of the Christmas decorations. On Christmas morning, the first person to find the pickle on the tree would receive an extra present from Santa Claus or would be said to have a year of good fortune.
Where did the tradition of hiding a pickle in a Christmas tree?
Here’s one version of the “pickle legend” from a website that sells ornaments: “A very old Christmas eve [sic] tradition in Germany was to hide a pickle [ornament] deep in the branches of the family Christmas Tree. The parents hung the pickle last after all the other ornaments were in place.
Is the Christmas pickle a real tradition?
Believe it or not, placing “Christmas pickle” ornaments on Christmas trees is a common tradition for many Americans. In 2016, market research firm YouGov conducted a survey among German nationals and found that only 8% knew about the Christmas pickle tradition, and only 2% said they actually practice it.
When did the pickle ornament tradition start?
Woolworth’s, the great five-and-dime store, started importing German-made glass-blown Christmas ornaments into the United States in the 1880s. Many of the ornaments took the shape of fruits and vegetables, and among them were pickles.
What is the culture around ornaments?
Ornaments today are associated with Christmas but the tradition of decorating evergreen trees started in 16th century Germany. Trees were first thought to be trimmed with real apples to represent the tree of forbidden fruit in the Bible and to celebrate the Winter Solstice.
What is the meaning of the Christmas pickle?
One features a fighter in the American Civil War who was born in Bavaria (an area of what is now Germany). He was a prisoner, and starving, he begged a guard for one last pickle before he died. The guard took pity on him and gave a pickle to him. The pickle gave him the mental and physical strength to live on!
What do Christmas ornaments symbolize?
And every one of the ornaments has a special meaning. A house ornament symbolizes family shelter and protection. A bird ornament reflects happiness and joy. A heart ornament means there’s true love in the home.