What weather is best for synthesis?


  • Hailstorm, Rain, Sandstorm, Heavy Rain, and Extremely Harsh Sunlight causes this move to restore 1/4th (25%) of the user’s Max HP.
  • No weather causes this move to restore 1/2 (50%) of the user’s Max HP.
  • Harsh Sunlight causes this move to restore 2/3rds (66%) of the user’s Max HP.

What fully evolved Pokémon has the highest catch rate?

#1 – Eternatus. 255 is the highest catch rate for any Pokemon in the wild. The likes of Caterpie, Weedle, Pidgey, Zubat, and many more, come with a catch rate of 255. That is 43.9%.

How effective is Grass knot?

Grass Knot (Japanese: くさむすび Grass Knot) is a damage-dealing Grass-type move introduced in Generation IV that deals varying damage. It shares the same mechanic as the move Low Kick….Grass Knot (move)

Type Grass
PP 20 (max. 32)
Accuracy 100%
Priority {{{priority}}}

What is the best Grass-type Pokémon?

12 best Grass-type Pokemon ranked: Kartana, Venusaur, Roserade &…

  • Roserade.
  • Shaymin.
  • Zarude.
  • Venusaur.
  • Rillaboom.
  • Tapu Bulu.
  • Ferrothorn. The Pokemon Company Ferrothorn is a beast of a tank.
  • Kartana. The Pokemon Company Kartana is one of the best Pokemon in the franchise full stop.

What’s better Giga Drain or synthesis?

Giga drain might be a revival and attack move but one thing for sure synthesis gets on your opponents nerve, every time you have low hp just use synthesis however synthesis is useless if it is raining or a sandstorm is brewing. aswell as reviving you Giga drain also does a decent amount of damage.

Does sunny day affect synthesis?

Synthesis can be used as part of a Pokémon Contest combination, with the user gaining an extra appeal point if the move Sunny Day was used in the prior turn. It is also part of a Contest Spectacular combination and will give an extra three appeal points if the move Sunny Day was used in the prior turn.

Is grass knot better than energy ball?

Grass Knot is potentially stronger, and has a lot more PP, and a lot of the things that grass is typically used to do away with, like rock and ground types, are pretty heavy.

Is grass knot better than Giga Drain?

Grass Knot is usually a better option to choose, mainly because Pokémon who use it don’t have the STAB bonus, but need to hit things like Gyarados and Tyranitar harder. And for those who do have said bonus, either they learn Leaf Storm or have more support capabilities (Sceptile, Roserade, Venusaur).

What is the strongest non legendary Grass Pokemon?

10 Strongest Grass-Type Pokémon, Ranked

  1. 1 Shaymin (Land Forme) The Land Forme of Shaymin may look harmless, but enemies should not underestimate this Mythical Pokémon.
  2. 2 Sceptile.
  3. 3 Gogoat.
  4. 4 Rillaboom.
  5. 5 Tsareena.
  6. 6 Tangrowth.
  7. 7 Serperior.
  8. 8 Leafeon.

Who is the strongest fire type Pokemon?

10 Strongest Fire-Type Pokémon, Ranked

  1. 1 Entei. As a Legendary Pokémon, Entei does not disappoint with its stats.
  2. 2 Arcanine. Arcanine has the honor of being one of the strongest Pokémon from the Kanto region, as well as an incredible pure Fire-type.
  3. 3 Typhlosion.
  4. 4 Cinderace.
  5. 5 Magmortar.
  6. 6 Darmanitan.
  7. 7 Ninetales.
  8. 8 Rapidash.