How do you automate a comment on Facebook?

Navigate to Settings > Channel > Facebook Messenger > Comments. 2. Select Track Comments Under ANY Post to use the same autoresponse for all posts. Then, write an Autoreply message.

How do I use auto Comments?

How to use the Facebook Auto Comment tool?

  1. Step One: Connect your Facebook Account and Facebook Page. ‍
  2. Step Two: Set up your campaign. Give it a name and select the a post where you want to install the auto-comment.
  3. Step Three: Update your campaign.

How do you flood comments on Facebook?

  1. 5 Ways To Prepare For A Flood Of Facebook Comments. Traveling at the speed of light, comments on Facebook can make or break a brand situation in a flash, if companies aren’t prepared to talk back.
  2. Set Boundaries.
  3. Accept Positive And Negative Input.
  4. Anticipate Crises.
  5. Hire Out.
  6. Use Applications.

Can you Auto like tweets on Twitter?

Automated likes: You may not like Tweets in an automated manner. Automated Retweets: Provided you comply with all other rules, you may Retweet or Quote Tweet in an automated manner for entertainment, informational, or novelty purposes.

How does cheap bots done quick work?

In the Cheap Bots Done Quick editor, there is a textbox labelled “Tracery JSON”. Paste your grammar there, or start editing the one the app starts you off with. The app will check your JSON syntax and inform you of any errors as you go. Below the textbox, you can see the output of your grammar.

Is auto like possible on Facebook?

How about you setup this process on automatic by automatically liking some posts or some friends? Facebook Auto Liker allows you to get the best from both world: Pleasing your friends as well as saving a lot of time.

Which is the best chatbot platform?

14 Most Powerful Chatbot Development Platforms To Build A Chatbot For Your Business

  • WotNot.
  • Intercom.
  • Drift Chatbot.
  • LivePerson.
  • Bold360.
  • Octane AI.
  • Flow XO.