How do I make my Tumblr show up on Google?

How to Submit Your Tumblr Blog to Google

  1. Sign in to your Google Webmaster account.
  2. Add your Tumblr blog URL to your website lists.
  3. Verify your Tumblr blog. Copy the Metatag from your Google Webmaster.
  4. Submit Sitemap.
  5. Backup your Custom Theme.

Do Tumblr posts show up on Google?

After you begin allowing search engines to index your Tumblr blog, pages from the blog may become visible on Google within minutes or up to several weeks.

How do I get my blog to show up on Google search?

List your blog on search engines. Use keywords throughout your site to help it show up higher in search results….To let search engines find your blog:

  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. In the top left, choose a blog to list.
  3. From the menu on the left, click Settings.
  4. Under “Privacy,” turn on Visible to search engines.

Do Tumblr blogs rank in Google?

Like most websites, Tumblr blogs can be indexed by search engines and do appear in their search engine results page. You can use keyword optimization, social media, linking strategies and a custom username for your URL to help your Tumblr blog rank highly on search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.

How do I get my Tumblr posts to show up in tags?

Make sure you’ve verified your account via the email we sent when you joined Tumblr. Once you’ve used your account for a while (and done normal, human things with it like follow other blogs and like or reblog posts), your posts will start appearing on tag pages.

Why does my blog not show up in Google search?

Here’s what may be preventing your site from showing up in search results: Google has not yet indexed your website yet (too new) Your website isn’t optimized for search engine crawling. Your keyword market is very competitive.

Why can’t I find my blog on Google?

If you aren’t seeing your blog in Google Search results, change your settings to make your blog searchable. Make sure the content in your blog is something people are likely to search for.

Is Tumblr good for SEO?

Tumblr allows you to add keywords as tags to your posts. This helps in improving page ranks and ensure that your blog post appears at the top of search results, provided you effectively identify keywords that work. Tumblr features several promotional elements that are very conducive to SEO.

How do you rank your blog on Tumblr?

Tumblr SEO: How to Get Your Posts Found in Search

  1. Make sure Google can index your Tumblr blog.
  2. Start with keyword research.
  3. Post valuable content.
  4. Update your header tags.
  5. Create custom permalinks.
  6. Tag your posts with relevant keywords.
  7. Internally link your posts.
  8. Update your blog title and meta description.

Why wont my Tumblr posts show up in tags?

Check that “Allow this blog to appear in search results” is enabled on that blog’s settings page. Were the original poster, as the original post will show up rather than any reblogs. So if you reblogged a post and tagged it, you won’t be able to find your reblog on that public tag.