What words relate to graphs?

Synonyms of graph

  • chart,
  • delineate,
  • diagram,
  • draw,
  • map (out),
  • plot.

What are the three commonly ways to represent a graph explain with examples?

A graph can be represented using 3 data structures- adjacency matrix, adjacency list and adjacency set. An adjacency matrix can be thought of as a table with rows and columns.

How do you find the connectivity of a graph?

A graph is said to be connected if there is a path between every pair of vertex. From every vertex to any other vertex, there should be some path to traverse. That is called the connectivity of a graph. A graph with multiple disconnected vertices and edges is said to be disconnected.

What is a 3 connected graph?

A graph G is 3-connected provided between any two vertices x and y there are three paths that meet only at x and y.

What are the uses of graphs in daily life examples?

The use of graphs in daily life also helps in making an analysis. For example, it provides structure in assessing performances, sales, and even deadlines. Graphs also help make calculations easier. Whether you’re a sales assistant or a manager, you’ll find them helpful in understanding your sales figure.

What are some applications of graph theory?

Graph theory is rapidly moving into the mainstream of mathematics mainly because of its applications in diverse fields which include biochemistry (genomics), electrical engineering (communications networks and coding theory), computer science (algorithms and computations) and operations research (scheduling).

What are words that end with graph?


  • paragraph.
  • telegraph.
  • autograph.
  • monograph.
  • polygraph.
  • serigraph.
  • holograph.
  • ideograph.

Are graph and chart synonyms?

In this page you can discover 20 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for graph, like: diagram, graphs, chart, graphical record, boxplots, dotplot, histogram, scatterplot, scatterplots, and boxplot.

What are different ways to represent the graph give suitable example?

There are different ways to optimally represent a graph, depending on the density of its edges, type of operations to be performed and ease of use.

  • Adjacency Matrix. Adjacency matrix is a sequential representation.
  • Incidence Matrix.
  • Adjacency List.

What are the most well known two ways of representing a graph?

There are two most generic ways of representing a graph in computer science, and we will discuss them as:

  1. Adjacency Matrix. We can define an adjacency matrix as a binary matrix A of V*V elements.
  2. Adjacency List. We can define an adjacency list as an array A composed of separate lists.