What are the 5 conjugations of tener?

Conjugating Tener in the Present Tense

yo tengo I have nosotros/as tenemos
tú tienes you (informal) have vosotros/as tenéis
usted/él/ella tiene you (formal)/he/she has ustedes/ellos/ellas tienen

What is the conjugate of ser?

Ser in the Indicative Present

Pronoun Spanish English
eres you are
Ella / Él / Usted es s/he is , you (formal) are
Nosotras / Nosotros somos we are
Vosotras / Vosotros sois you (plural) are

What are the conjugations of tener in Spanish?

Tener is a Spanish irregular verb meaning to have….Tener Conjugation: Present Tense.

yo tengo
él/ella tiene
ns. tenemos
vs. tenéis

What are the forms of ser and tener?

Spanish Verbs Be and Have

tener – to have
(tú / vos) tienes / tenés you will have
(él / ella) (usted) tiene tiene he / she / it will have you will have
(nosotros / -as) tenemos we will have

What do ser mean?

to be
Ser is an -er verb. It means ‘to be’ and is mainly used for: Identification and description.

How do I use ser?

The Spanish verb SER

  1. The Spanish verb SER means “to be”.
  2. SER is used primarily in situations to imply permanence, equivalence, characteristics, origin, nature, identity and possession (“My apple IS bigger than his”, “Quito IS in Ecuador”, “Ice IS cold”, “He IS French”, “This car IS mine”.
  3. SER is an irregular verb.

What is ser used for?

SER is used primarily in situations to imply permanence, equivalence, characteristics, origin, nature, identity and possession (“My apple IS bigger than his”, “Quito IS in Ecuador”, “Ice IS cold”, “He IS French”, “This car IS mine”. SER is an irregular verb.