What is the main style of Piet Mondrian?

Piet Mondrian, a painter, was an important leader in the development of modern abstract art, primarily through the Dutch art movement known as De Stijl (“The Style”).

What is Piet Mondrian most famous painting called?

#1 Broadway Boogie Woogie The painting is considered the pinnacle of Mondrian’s representation using his pictorial vocabulary of lines, squares and primary colors. It marks the culmination of his stylistic innovation and is one of the most influential artworks in the school of abstract geometric painting.

What is Mondrian design?

Regarded as a pioneer of 20th century abstract art, Mondrian is best known for his paintings featuring basic forms and colors. The artist limited his paintings to the three primary colors (red, blue, and yellow) and the two primary directions (horizontal and vertical), thus creating colorful and geometric compositions.

What made Piet Mondrian’s work unique?

An influential non-representational painter, Piet Mondrian’s art evolved over his lifetime into his own unique style, which he coined “neo-plasticism.” This art was not based on outside artistic influences or on typical techniques, but was instead Mondrian’s interpretation of his deeply felt philosophical beliefs.

What style of painting is Kandinsky?

Modern art
ExpressionismDer Blaue ReiterAbstract art
Wassily Kandinsky/Periods

Kandinsky’s work, both artistic and theoretical, played a large role in the philosophic foundation for later modern movements, in particular Abstract Expressionism and its variants like Color Field Painting.

What do Mondrian’s paintings mean?

Accomplishments. A theorist and writer, Mondrian believed that art reflected the underlying spirituality of nature. He simplified the subjects of his paintings down to the most basic elements, in order to reveal the essence of the mystical energy in the balance of forces that governed nature and the universe.