What is a high spirit flute?

Odell Borg, founder of High Spirits Flutes, has been handcrafting Native American-style flutes since 1990. High Spirits Flutes are made in the USA (Arizona), crafted from high-quality woods with durable, non-toxic finishes. They are very easy to learn and to play, even for those with no musical experience.

Where are High Spirits Flutes made?

Patagonia, Arizona
ARE HIGH SPIRITS FLUTES REALLY HAND-MADE? We make the flutes in Patagonia, Arizona.

Are High Spirit Flutes good?

The sound of High Spirits flutes is wonderful, the flutes are well-tuned and well-made. They are definitely worth their price. The shipping is fast and safe. Based on my experience, I suspect that any order from High Spirits should give you nothing but positive feelings.

What is a drone flute?

A drone flute, also called a “double” or “duel” flute, is basically two flutes which are connected. The end of a Stellar Drone flute showing the two bores that are side by side. The idea is that one side plays like a normal flute while the other side harmonizes with a single “drone” note.

Are in high spirits?

Definition of in high spirits : very happy and excited All the children were in high spirits on the last day of school.

What is the best key for a Native American flute?

The key of F# is sometimes called the de facto key of the Native American style flute. It has achieved this status by usage. The majority of recorded Native American flute music is done with an F# flute.

Is the Native American flute hard to play?

The Native American Flute is a very simple instrument! Almost everyone can learn to play it easily. There’s no need for musical training background, and no reasons to spend years learning – just take the flute and play.

What is a harmony flute?

The flute harmony wheel suggests additional keys that can be played together. Starting with the key of the lower pitched flute, one can move around the harmony wheel in a clockwise motion, either counting around 5 or 7 notes to find a flute of higher pitch that should play in harmony with the first flute.

What is a Native American flute called?

Native American flute

Native American flute crafted by Chief Arthur Two-Crows, 1987
Woodwind instrument
Other names Native American style flute, courting flute, love flute, and many others
Classification Woodwind Wind Aerophone
