How do I download libcurl for Windows?

Go to and download one of the following zip files: If you have a Windows 64 system, scroll to the Win64 – Generic section and look for the latest Win64 ia64 zip version with SSL support. It’s normally second in the list. Click the version number to start the download.

How do I install libcurl?

  1. Windows Installation. Enter and access the URL to download the curl executable wizard. Select “curl executable” as Type of Package.
  2. MacOSX Installation. Enter to the computer’s terminal.
  3. Linux installation. Enter to the computer’s terminal.

How do I add libcurl to Visual Studio?

Go to lib directory and double click on “curllib. dsw” which is the Visual Studio Project file for curlib. It will start the Visual Studio with correct configuration and settings. Of course you need to have Visual Studio installed on your machine.

Is curl part of Windows 10?

If your Windows 10 build is 17063, or later, cUrl is included by default. All you need to do is run Command Prompt with administrative rights and you can use cUrl . The Curl.exe is located at C:\Windows\System32.

What is the difference between curl and libcurl?

The curl tool and the libcurl library, both being open source. CURL is usually used as a name for the libcurl binding for PHP. This binding is what PHP users to access libcurl functions from within their PHP programs. Some PHP programs even say they use ‘libcurl’ when they in fact use this binding.

How do I create a libcurl source?

Install curl From Source

  1. Contents. Download 2.
  2. Download. curl Official Page.
  3. Install curl. For CentOS / Ubuntu / MacOS.
  4. Configure Options. –prefix.
  5. Create Symbolic Link. Create installed libraries to under “/usr/local” by symbolic link.
  6. Set Environment Variable.

Where is libcurl on Windows?

The Curl.exe is located at C:\Windows\System32. If you want to be able to use cUrl from anywhere, consider adding it to Path Environment Variables.